Briard Profiles

Nikita De La Manoliere (Imp FRANCE)
(Gavin Haussmann)

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NZ Aubrey All I Wanted For Xmas (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Aphrodite Latte (G Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Miss Quintessential (ai) (Mr Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Pacific Harmony (G R Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Yes I Can See (G Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey's French Flavour (G & L Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey's I'm Idelia (Gavin and Leanne Hausssmann)
NZ Aubrey's Outstanding Opal (G & L Haussmann)
NZ Carmandy Amazin Spirit of OZ ( Imp AUST) AI (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Carmandy Asia Blue Star (G R Haussmann)
NZ Merveille Preziosa Melody (G R Haussman)
NZ Nikita De La Manoliere (Imp FRANCE) (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Tiahart Chai Latte ( IMP AU ) (NZ Ch) (Gavin Haussmann & Leanne Lindsay)
NZ Tiahart Dejavoo (IMP AU) (NZ Ch) (G & L Haussmann)

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