Briard Profiles

Aubrey 's Knight Before Xmas
(G Haussmann)

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NZ Aubrey All I Wanted For Xmas (Gavin Haussmann)
NSW Aubrey Kristys Kool Kriminal (Olaf & Kirsty Holpert)
NZ Aubrey 's Aphrodite Latte (G Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Garnet Glamor (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Knight Before Xmas (G Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Miss Quintessential (ai) (Mr Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Pacific Harmony (G R Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey 's Yes I Can See (G Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey’s Sea Monster (Ch) (Graeme Jackson)
NZ Aubrey's French Flavour (G & L Haussmann)
NZ Aubrey's I'm Idelia (Gavin and Leanne Hausssmann)
NZ Aubrey's Outstanding Opal (G & L Haussmann)
NZ Carmandy Amazin Spirit of OZ ( Imp AUST) AI (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Carmandy Asia Blue Star (G R Haussmann)
NZ Chaotic's Dexter Down Under ( IMP CAN ) (NZ Ch) (G & L Haussmann)
NZ Merveille Parfait Mr Stars (Mr G Haussmann)
NZ Merveille Preziosa Melody (G R Haussman)
NZ Nikita De La Manoliere (Imp FRANCE) (Gavin Haussmann)
NZ Tiahart Chai Latte ( IMP AU ) (NZ Ch) (Gavin Haussmann & Leanne Lindsay)
NZ Tiahart Dejavoo (IMP AU) (NZ Ch) (G & L Haussmann)

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