Rising Star of the Year 2016
Top 50 Leaderboard - All Breeds - North Island
The Rising Star of the Year 2016 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).
No. 1
No. 2
- White Swiss Shepherd Dog
NZ Ch Pandorras Dragon-Hunter (Nathalie Sperling/Tanya Omlo-van Geffen) (880)
No. 3
- Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Suedanka Can U Feel The Heat (A Calman) (830)
No. 4
- Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Selwor Sneak Preview At Pinnacle (AI) (Imp AUST) (Sandy & Amanda Evans) (830)
No. 5
No. 6
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Cobilde Kebechets Temptation (Imp AUST) (Steve Greer/ Bill & Denise Smith) (700)
No. 7
- Pug
NZ Ch Asay Clever Trever (Ann van Gijs) (615)
No. 8
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
NZ Ch Rojeme Baby It's A Screamer (S & G Meredith) (545)
No. 9
- Schipperke
Sanlyn Now Would Be Good (Mrs S Macklin) (505)
No. 10
- Poodle (Miniature)
NZ Ch Kateisha The Guy N'PJamas (J F Stanton/ Y Smith/ B Crocker) (480)
No. 11
No. 12
- Weimaraner
Weissenberg Pocket Rocket (Kathy White) (460)
No. 13
- Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Janan Watch Me Shine (Carolyn Hogg) (450)
No. 14
- Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Dachsford Gold Fern (David & Kathleen Hardwick) (425)
No. 15
- Dobermann
NZ Ch Idobe Shoulda Coulda Woulda (Shirley Herbert) (425)
No. 16
- French Bulldog
NZ Ch Warfare Vu Effie Trinket (Vannessa Joyce) (420)
No. 17
- Tibetan Spaniel
NZ Ch Khyisenge Rising Ah-narchy (Jane Burke) (415)
No. 18
- Bullmastiff
Waterlea's Mad About The Boy (V & W Mills) (410)
No. 19
No. 20
- Golden Retriever
Sandlewood Take - A - Bow (S Fleming/ G Nelson & P Gordon) (350)
No. 21
- Whippet
Ronndal Rabble Rouser (Eva Ekstam) (350)
No. 22
- Bernese Mountain Dog
Edelman van Blassis (Nathalie Sperling) (350)
No. 23
- Australian Shepherd
NZ Ch Ukulunga War Paint (Kat Fleming) (345)
No. 24
- Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Pinnacle I Only Date Models (Amanda & Sandy Evans) (335)
No. 25
- Chinese Crested Dog
Juleko Renascence Queen (T Tribble) (330)
No. 26
- Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Dachsford Delta's Deeva (David & Kathleen Hardwick) (320)
No. 27
No. 28
- Bracco Italiano
Hipoint Brigitta (Imp AUST) (Michelle Williamson/ J & R Mirto) (310)
No. 29
- Weimaraner
NZ Ch Weissenberg High Society (K White & A Porter) (305)
No. 30
- Border Terrier
Otterpond Beretta (Gloria Geraghty) (305)
No. 31
No. 32
- Scottish Terrier
NZ Ch Juscot Johnny Cash (J Sargent) (295)
No. 33
- Miniature Pinscher
NZ Ch Panache for Enzo (Solitaire Robertson) (295)
No. 34
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Rojeme Scream Till you Pop (S & G Meredith) (295)
No. 35
No. 36
- German Shepherd Dog (Long Stock Coat)
Delgarda Golly Gosh (Mr T Bray) (285)
No. 37
No. 38
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
NZ Ch Kaylajaz Ace of Spades (N Valentic) (280)
No. 39
- Australian Shepherd
NZ Ch Sutter's Seadonas Sunrise (AI) (T Gould & N Pelletier) (280)
No. 40
No. 41
- Great Dane
NZ Ch Congistador Uncorked (R & P Lowe) (270)
No. 42
- American Staffordshire Terrier
Amstarfx Mission Complete (Imp AUST) (S Dennis) (270)
No. 43
- Bearded Collie
NZ Ch Lyntree Circle The World (Penny & Murray Brooks) (265)
No. 44
- Alaskan Malamute
Koolrunnings Just Drift'n (L Johnson/ D Fraser & C Loft) (260)
No. 45
No. 46
No. 47
- Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ & Can Ch Belnois Patriots Pride (Imp CAN) (Linda & Chris Jury) (260)
No. 48
- Border Terrier
NZ Ch Dewton Mister Fox at Moonridge (Imp AUST) (Alli McArthur/Amber Riley) (255)
No. 49
No. 50
- Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
NZ Ch Maxred Secret Addiction (Elaine J Ingram) (250)