Show Dog of the Year 2016
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - New Zealand
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout New Zealand.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
- St Bernard
NZ Ch Lusanne Not a Tonka Toy (G Neal & S Jobey) (2579)
No. 4
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Cobilde Kebechets Temptation (Imp AUST) (Steve Greer/ Bill & Denise Smith) (1451)
No. 5
- Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ Gr Ch Schallenberg I Am Giant (Mrs L Jury & Mrs J Walden) (1364)
No. 6
- Dobermann
Martyn Alice in Wonderland @ Parima (Martyn/ Lisa & Cassidy Slade / Sam Hedges) (1182)
No. 7
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Waitiro Clevedon Cool As Ice (Ethan Clarke / Chris and Cathy Duder) (1175)
No. 8
- Neapolitan Mastiff
Guardiano Italian Ninja (L Phillips) (1175)
No. 9
- Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ Ch Anahera Noblesse Oblige (Nathalie Sperling) (1145)
No. 10
- Bullmastiff
NZ Ch Kugel Brindle Dotcom (Sean Deery) (1121)
No. 11
- Bernese Mountain Dog
NZ Ch Imagin Chivas Regal (M Gadsdon & A Patterson) (1052)
No. 12
- Alaskan Malamute
Aust & NZ Ch Koolrunnings Intrepid (Imp AUST) SDCH (L Johnson/ D Fraser/ C Loft) (1016)
No. 13
No. 14
- Dobermann
NZ Ch Idobe Shoulda Coulda Woulda (Shirley Herbert) (894)
No. 15
No. 16
- St Bernard
NZ Ch Tai Yuan Worth T'Wait (Gail Sharp) (645)
No. 17
- Alaskan Malamute
Koolrunnings Just Drift'n (L Johnson/ D Fraser & C Loft) (567)
No. 18
No. 19
No. 20
- Dobermann
NZ Sup Ch Martyn Karmah Comes Around (Martyn/ Lisa & Cassidy Slade) (451)
No. 21
- Alaskan Malamute
NZ Ch Nui-Inu Monteiths Clasic Gold (Shayne & Vivien Douglas) (427)
No. 22
- Rottweiler
Revell Tis Balou's Reign At Straumburg (Mike Bell & Amy Nicholson) (392)
No. 23
- Rottweiler
Belzand The New Action Hero (M Bell & C Anderson) (392)
No. 24
- Boxer
NZ Ch Roski Rocketman (K K & R J Mihaka) (357)
No. 25
No. 26
No. 27
- Rottweiler
NZ Gr Ch Belzand Captiva (M Bell & C Anderson) (315)
No. 28
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Fire and Ice (Mrs Zarnia Cross & Mrs Shona Prebble) (273)
No. 29
No. 30
- Siberian Husky
NZ Gr Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge (M Quinn) (256)
No. 31
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Winter Melody Hormiga Atomica (Imp POL) (Rebecca Stewart) (215)
No. 32
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy (Giselle Fletcher) (192)
No. 33
- Newfoundland
NZ Sup Ch Summerford's Ever Ready (Imp CAN) (Sonia Nicholson) (191)
No. 34
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Heaven's Halo SDX (Nardine Theodore) (162)
No. 35
No. 36
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Bannerbrite Badge of Honour for Snowolf (Imp AUST) (Giselle Fletcher) (125)
No. 37
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Belzand Crown Prince (M Bell & C Anderson) (118)
No. 38
- Schnauzer (Giant)
NZ Ch Zauberei Got You Unda My Spell (Jocelyn Field/Leanne McTear) (118)
No. 39
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Blickscharf Bounty Hunter (Imp AUST) (Tracy Gempton & Rita Grenyer) (103)
No. 40
No. 41
- Dobermann
NZ Ch Martyn Karmah Going To Get You (Martyn/ Lisa & Cassidy Slade) (100)
No. 42
No. 43
- Rottweiler
Gesundheit Ultimate-Legacee (Hannah Pearce) (92)
No. 44
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Waitiro Cool Dimond at Crusade (Catherine Duder and Angela Maxwell) (89)
No. 45
No. 46
- Newfoundland
NZ Ch Baywatch Little Venice (Kim Bell) (81)
No. 47
No. 48
- Boxer
NZ Ch Valeska Booty Call (Lloyd Harrison) (76) - Boxer
Ronin Digital Revolution (Kristen Brooks and Helene Owen) (76)
No. 49
- St Bernard
Aust & NZ Ch Lusanne Spittin Image (G Neal & S Jobey) (75)
No. 50
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alpine American Dream (M Quinn) (73)