Waimakariri Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)
Date of Show : 2-Jan-15 (Friday)
Championship Show
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the above show. It is FREE to submit results.
General Specials
Specials Judge: Mrs Carole Long (New Zealand)
Zeracious Locked and Loaded (Imp AUST) (Mr Clinton Hoeben)
Runner Up in Show & Open in Show: Lhasa Apso
NZ Ch Babanga Destined For Amahl (Imp AUST) (Mrs Christine Nash & Miss Georgia Nash)
Baby in Show: Dobermann
NZ Ch Shadday Diamond Star of Desyred (Helene Street / I T & S R Maguigan)
Intermediate in Show: Tibetan Terrier
NZ Ch Caerlaverock Emaho-Namba (Brian and Louise Harris)
Group 1 - Toys
Specials Judge : Mrs Susan Chaytor (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Scarborough Tanks Alot (Wendy Schwalger / J Fifield)
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch El-Toro Destiny (Tracy Pearce)
Chinese Crested Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Karakush Hairy Houdini (Imp AUST) (Mrs Jenny Hamilton)
R/UP BOB & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Mohawk Raise Your Glass (Imp AUST) (Rose Paget)
Intermediate of Breed: Zhannel's Simpatico (Imp FIN) (J E Bryce)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Scarborough Tanks Alot (Wendy Schwalger / J Fifield)
Yorkshire Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Jenarlie Footprints in Time (Mary Leslie)
Group 2 - Terriers
Specials Judge : Mrs Sonya Sloan (New Zealand)
Zeracious Locked and Loaded (Imp AUST) (Mr Clinton Hoeben)
Baby in Group: Norwich Terrier
Norwester All In Good Time (Jill Watson)
Intermediate in Group: Australian Terrier
NZ Ch Tasdale Whoopty Do (Diane Riley)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Amigofiel Cookies and Cream (Tara Wright-Gallagher)
American Staffordshire Terrier
BOB & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Rediamstaff The Phantom (C Anderson)
Australian Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Tasdale Whoopty Do (Diane Riley)
Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: Akiba's Gift from Zebulon (Imp USA) (D Riley & K O'Donnell)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Tasdale Cos I'm Curious (Diane Riley)
New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Montana Oliver Twist (N C Adams)
Border Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Tennille No Stamp needed (Gail O'keefe)
Cairn Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Trevlac Annie Get Your Gun (Mrs Irene Calvert)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Trevlac Totally Mac (Mrs I Calvert)
Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Charlemagne Whisprin Jack (Jamie & Carrie Tolley)
Norwich Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Norwester All For One (Jill Watson)
R/UP BOB: Kaeva Summer Storm (Debra Sheddan)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Norwester Heart of Oak (Jill Watson)
Baby of Breed: Norwester All In Good Time (Jill Watson)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Zeracious Locked and Loaded (Imp AUST) (Mr Clinton Hoeben)
Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Amigofiel Cookies and Cream (Tara Wright-Gallagher)
Group 3 - Gundogs
Specials Judge : Mrs Claire Trevelyan (New Zealand)
Aust & NZ Ch Ryangaye Reason To Celebrate (Imp AUST) (Beth Warman/ Robbie Gray/ Ann Okeefe/Keith Brown)
Runner Up in Group & Intermediate in Group: Irish Setter
NZ Sup Ch Gwyndara Leave Me Breathless (Imp AUST) (M Lawrence & C McManus / T & L Jones)
Junior in Group: English Springer Spaniel
Arawhiti Sir Psycho Sexy (Aleisha & Denise Velenski / A Trainor)
Cocker Spaniel
BOB & Open of Breed: Aust & NZ Ch Ryangaye Reason To Celebrate (Imp AUST) (Beth Warman/ Robbie Gray/ Ann Okeefe/Keith Brown)
Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Bellebriar News Release (Imp AUST) (Beth Warman/ Robbie Gray/ Trevor & Jenny Warman)
English Springer Spaniel
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Arawhiti Sir Psycho Sexy (Aleisha & Denise Velenski / A Trainor)
German Shorthaired Pointer
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Lionspoint Lone Star (Kelly Elson)
Hungarian Vizsla
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Freeman Coming At Ya (C & B Taylor)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Freeman Parking How I Like It (Chris & Belinda Taylor)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Freeman immortality (C & B Taylor)
Irish Setter
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Gwyndara Leave Me Breathless (Imp AUST) (M Lawrence & C McManus / T & L Jones)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Garvagh Eternal Flame (M Lawrence / C McManus / S Lawrence)
Labrador Retriever
BOB & Baby of Breed: Tuscan Bright Eyes (AI) (Jess Rodley)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Sanmarlitch Moonshine Mango (Imp AUST) (Jenny Hamilton)
Group 4 - Hounds
Specials Judge : Mrs D Addenbrooke (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Markwell Black Lord Gordon (R Manning & K Finlayson)
Runner Up in Group & Intermediate in Group: Whippet
NZ Gr Ch Benbridge I Will Survive (Tony Fox & Hank Faifua)
Junior in Group: Ibizan Hound
NZ Ch Berizza Breaking The Ice At Senjabi (Imp AUST) (Christine Small)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Here By Request Markwell (Mr R Manning)
BOB & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Zandeena A Twist In The Story For Senjabi (Imp AUST) (Christine Small)
Basset Hound
BOB & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Hunterspark Mr Harrison (Lynn Bevan/ Wendy Hewitt & Martin Hewitt)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Here By Request Markwell (Mr R Manning)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: Woody's Image of Markwell (Robert W Manning)
Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Markwell Black Lord Gordon (R Manning & K Finlayson)
Baby of Breed: Markwell Top Model (Robert W Manning)
Ibizan Hound
BOB & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Berizza Breaking The Ice At Senjabi (Imp AUST) (Christine Small)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch & Aust Gr Ch Birrarun Hot Little Number (Imp AUST) (Christine Small)
Irish Wolfhound
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Eaglestone Craskin (Ailsa Sherwin & Margaret Cowley)
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Benbridge I Will Survive (Tony Fox & Hank Faifua)
R/UP BOB & Res Bitch CC: Sing/ Kor/ Int & NZ Ch Dachlah Fernolli Salvinia (Imp) (Jackie Newton-Williams)
Dog CC: Kana-Ka Hero Dress'd N Gold (Jackie Newton-Williams)
Puppy of Breed: Kana-Ka A Gold Ingot For Benbridge (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Group 5 - Working Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr W Townsend (New Zealand)
NZ Sup Ch Cordmaker Wearing of the Green (Imp AUST) (Kathryn Stewart and Sue Huebner)
Puppy in Group: Collie (Rough)
NZ Ch Lochburn Spilt Da Beans (Kay Sime)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Border Collie
NZ Ch Moonstar Dream Of Angels (Cherie Hill)
Australian Shepherd
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Rimrock Oz Oklahoma QT (Trudy Gallavin)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Trogun Coopers Creek (Trudy Gallavin)
Border Collie
BOB & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Fairenvy I Am X Quisit (Imp AUST) (Paul Hill)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Moonstar Dream Of Angels (Cherie Hill)
Collie (Rough)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: Roselane Tri to keep a secret (Tracey Mcintosh)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Lochburn Spilt Da Beans (Kay Sime)
Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Lochburn Naughty But Nice (Paul Hill)
Hungarian Puli
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Cordmaker Wearing of the Green (Imp AUST) (Kathryn Stewart and Sue Huebner)
Swedish Vallhund
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Thurston Figo Evigt Glad (Thurston Kennels)
R/UP BOB & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Vanaheim Making Mischief (Candyce Orchard and Natalie Morgan)
Group 6 - Utility Dogs
Specials Judge : Mrs Cathy Wallace (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Zauberei Black Magic Maestro (Leanne McTear)
Runner Up in Group: Bullmastiff
NZ Ch Delane All Torque At The Ridge (Jan Torkington)
Baby in Group: Dobermann
NZ Ch Shadday Diamond Star of Desyred (Helene Street / I T & S R Maguigan)
Puppy in Group: Boxer
Quasar Literary Liaison (Erik de Boer)
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Tennille So What's the Gossip (Gail O'keefe)
R/UP BOB & Puppy of Breed: Quasar Literary Liaison (Erik de Boer)
Dog CC: Boxton One Out of the Hat (Gail O'keefe)
Res Dog CC & Junior (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Tennille Just the Tonic (Diane & John Riley / Gail O'Keefe)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Delane All Torque At The Ridge (Jan Torkington)
R/UP BOB & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Little Ridge Dockryl (Jan Torkington)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Shadday Diamond Star of Desyred (Helene Street / I T & S R Maguigan)
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Belzand Princess Ebony (M Bell & C Anderson)
R/UP BOB & Res Bitch CC: NZ Ch Belzand Queen of Hearts (C Anderson & M Bell)
Schnauzer (Giant)
BOB & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Zauberei Black Magic Maestro (Leanne McTear)
Schnauzer (Miniature)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Lynden's Reuby Tuesday With Kajen (Denise Breen)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Dogs
Specials Judge : Mrs Lucerne Ferres (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Phatheadz Miss Un Stop A Bull (Mike and Krissie Dellow)
Junior in Group: Shar Pei
NZ Ch Manchouria S Black Pearl To Wuyu (Imp AUST) (P Jamieson)
Intermediate in Group: Tibetan Terrier
NZ Ch Caerlaverock Emaho-Namba (Brian and Louise Harris)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Poodle (Miniature)
Spl Gr Ch All Fired Up At Taff (E Case)
Open in Group: Lhasa Apso
NZ Ch Babanga Destined For Amahl (Imp AUST) (Mrs Christine Nash & Miss Georgia Nash)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Landara's Take a Chance (Mr L R Taylor & Mrs R B Taylor)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Phatheadz Miss Un Stop A Bull (Mike and Krissie Dellow)
French Bulldog
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Astre Man O War (Mirrilay Andrews)
Great Dane
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Marqee Point'n To Pinerock (C & R Anderson / John Hamilton)
Lhasa Apso
BOB & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Babanga Destined For Amahl (Imp AUST) (Mrs Christine Nash & Miss Georgia Nash)
Poodle (Miniature)
BOB & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Spl Gr Ch All Fired Up At Taff (E Case)
Poodle (Toy)
R/UP BOB & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Jamaican Me Crazy Of Savoir (Mrs Betty Roberts)
Shar Pei
BOB & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Manchouria S Black Pearl To Wuyu (Imp AUST) (P Jamieson)
R/UP BOB & Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Wuyu Ginger Kisses (P Jamieson)
Tibetan Terrier
BOB & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Caerlaverock Emaho-Namba (Brian and Louise Harris)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Caerlaverock Chu-Ten Jowa (Brian & Louise Harris)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Caerlaverock Free Dreams (Judy Armstrong)