Pointer Show Results
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the Pointer (only past 90 days are shown). It is FREE to submit results.
9-Mar-25 (Sunday)
Buller Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mrs Lois Wilson (UK) Group Specials : Ms Elizabet Caminade-Lavault (UK)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
8-Mar-25 (Saturday)
Buller Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Ms Elizabet Caminade-Lavault (UK) Group Specials : Mrs Lois Wilson (UK)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
23-Feb-25 (Sunday)
Canterbury Ladies Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Ms Meredith Clegg (VIC) Group Specials : Mrs Libby Martin (SA)
Best in Group & Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
22-Feb-25 (Saturday)
Canterbury Ladies Kennel Association (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mrs Barbara Hyde (New Zealand) Group Specials : Mr Tyron Atkinson (VIC)
Intermediate in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
26-Jan-25 (Sunday)
Tasman Districts Gundog Society (South Is, NZ) (S)
General Specials : Mrs Diana Fenton (NSW)
Best in Show & Junior in Show: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
Nelson District Kennel Association (AM Benefit Show) (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mr Hans Almgren (Sweden) Group Specials : Mr Hans Almgren (Sweden)
Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
25-Jan-25 (Saturday)
Nelson District Kennel Association (AM Show) (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mr S Mitrevski (North Macedonia) Group Specials : Mrs Susan Bruno (QLD)
Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
Nelson District Kennel Association (PM Show) (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mrs Susan Bruno (QLD) Group Specials : Mr S Mitrevski (North Macedonia)
Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
12-Jan-25 (Sunday)
Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Ms Shannon Lancaster (NSW) Group Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD)
Best in Group & Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
11-Jan-25 (Saturday)
Banks Peninsula A&P Society (South Is, NZ)
General Specials : Mr David Kill (QLD) Group Specials : Mr Mark Lawrence (New Zealand)
Junior in Show: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
Junior in Show: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
Junior in Group: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Chesterhope Jaggered Line (Lauren Morris & Diane O'Neill)