Weimaraner Profiles

NZ Ch Carnmellis Diamonds N Pearls (LHC)
(Pip Simmons)

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NZ Carnmellis Diamond Raider At Whimsical (BISS NZCH) (Julie Jorey)
NZ Carnmellis Errol Flynn (LHC) ADX JD (NZ Ch) (Sandra Mekkelholt)
NZ Carnmellis Penny Lane (NZ Ch) (Pip Simmons)
NZ Carnmellis Texas Valley Girl (NZ Ch) (Pip Simmons)
NZ Greyflyte Drama Queen (BISS NZ Ch) (Jo Clough)
NZ Greyflyte Good For A Giggle (NZ Ch) (Jo Clough)
NZ Greyflyte Pride Makes The Man (RBISS NZ Ch) (Jo Clough)
NZ Greyflyte Southern-Nik (AI) (BISS NZ CH) (Mrs Julie Jorey)
NZ Jaycee Absolutely Fabulous (Ch) (Jo Clough)
NZ Silhouette's Tag Your It (USA CH) (D. Meyrick - B . Munroe)
NZ Silkwei Ribbon Thief At Whimsical (AI) (NZ Ch) (Julie Jorey)
NZ Waldwiese Rumours of You (Imp Aust) (NZ CH) (J Rumsey, L&C Richter)
NZ Waldwieze Girl Gone Wild at Weizwaze (CH) (Julie Rumsey)
NZ Weissenberg Krystal Glaze (Kathy White)
NZ Weissenberg Luck be a Lady (Kathy White)

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