Staffordshire Bull Terrier Profiles

NZ CH BISS MRBISS Myrah Million Dollar Monster
(Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth)
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Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages
NZ | Aldoushire Burlesque Babe (NZ Ch) (Shannon & Paul Aldous) |
NZ | Aldoushire Fairest Of Th Ball (Spl Gr Ch) (Shannon & Paul Aldous) |
NZ | Aldoushire Got The Force (AI) (NZ Ch) (Andrea McOnie-Perfect & Shannon Aldous) |
NZ | Alerick Deargchaor (M Abbott) |
NZ | Artisinal Ripple Effect (Imp Aust) (BISS NZ CH) (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Ashbek Out Of Ink (M Abbott) |
NZ | Blackshot EZ On The Eye Warmaster (imp Aust) (Aust & NZ Ch) (Steve Hughes & Sandra Smid) |
NZ | Challenger Ceasar Rex (CH) (Margaret Walker) |
NZ | Corkscrew Valkyrie at Westwood (J Croft) |
NZ | Dragonstone Talisman (M Abbott) |
NZ | Helsinge The Rebel Switch (NZ CH) (M Berkers) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Ace of Spades L2-HGA & HC Clear (BISS NZCH) (N Valentic) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Calm Before Th Storm (L2-HGA & HC Clear) (CH) (N Valentic) |
NZ | Kaylajaz No Ones Laughing Now (Natalie Valentic) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Obi One Kenobi L2 -HGA & HC Clear by parentage (RBISS NZCH) (Natalie Valentic) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Return O’th Princess (NZCH) (N Valentic) |
NZ | KaylaJaz Yippee Ki-Yay MF (L2-HGA & HC Clear) (BISS NZCH) (Natalie Valentic) |
NZ | Lidaby Dark Knight Rises (BISS RUBISS NZ Ch) (M Berkers & L Martel) |
NZ | Lidaby Let Her Rip Potato Chip (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Lidaby The Gambler (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Lidaby The Lone Ranger (Neutered) (RUBISS NZ CH) (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Lidaby The-Taskmaster (NZ CH) (Lisa Martel & Christopher Burton) |
NZ | Lidaby Unravelin The Mystery (RUBISS NZ Ch) (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Myrah Kiss My Glass (AI) (J Dixon & B Wadsworth) |
NZ | Myrah Million Dollar Monster (NZ CH BISS MRBISS) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) |
NZ | Myrah Monster Mash (Bonnie Waghorn) |
NZ | Myrah Most Wanted (NZ Ch BISS) (J Dixon, B Wadsworth & C Tipene) |
NZ | Myrah Salt On The Rim (AI) (S Halliday & J Dixon) |
NZ | Myrah She Can Do Magic (SPL GR CH & NZ CH) (J Dixon & B Wadsworth & C Tolley) |
NZ | Myrah Simply Magic for Renegade (Nz Ch BISS RBIS) (Kirsty Morton & Jorga Dixon) |
NZ | Myrah Sips n Giggles (AI) (M Fawcett, J Dixon & B Wadsworth) |
NZ | NZ CH Oakamoor Revenge of Dreams (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Oakamoor Daydream Believer (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Oakamoor Desert Bandit (BISS NZ CH) (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Oakamoor For Your Eyes Only (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Oakamoor Mystical spell (MBISS NZ CH) (Leana Bartle) |
NZ | Oakstaff Amazing Grace (Margaret & Alan Walker) |
NZ | Rojeme Scream Out Loud (Teresa Treweek) |
NZ | Sanstache Dats Some Boo-Sheet (Ch) (Eamonn Pearless) |
NZ | Sanstache Not So Easily Burnd (Eamonn Pearless) |
NZ | Shadowstaff Lallybroch Lady of SansTache (Neut Ch) (Eamonn Pearless) |
NZ | Sladestaff Jibbajabba (Nz Ch) (Tania and Darren Slade) |
NZ | Sladestaff Quiet All White (Tania and Darren Slade) |
NZ | Sladestaff Switcha Roo (Nz Ch) (Tania and Darren Slade) |
NZ | Soverenstaff Red Rock at Stafflands (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Soverenstaff Red Rose at Stafflands (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Stafflands Lil Red Corvette (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Stafflands Raspberry Beret (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Stafflands Tiny Dancer (NZ Ch) (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Steppenwolf Daddys Lil Monster (Imp Aust) L2- HGA & HC Clear (BISS NZ CH) (N Valentic) |
NZ | Stoic Dream with a Deadline (Elise Hayes) |
NZ | Strongbuilt All Eyes On Me (Alison Marett) |
NZ | Takoda Class Act (DNA tested clear) (BIS and BISS NZ CH and Neuter Ch) (Sian Vermeer) |
NZ | Takoda Dream Weaver (NZ CH) (Alison Marett) |
NZ | Takoda Fraggle Rock (Alison Marett) |
NZ | Takoda Game On At Chasewood (MBISS and NZ CH) (Sian Vermeer) |
NZ | Takoda Me Is Yanto (Alison Marett) |
NZ | Takoda Midnight Ivy (NZ Ch) (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Takoda Talk Of The Town At Chasewood (NZ CH) (Sian Vermeer) |
NZ | Takoda Tinkerbell (A Marett) |
NZ | Usherin Glitz N Glamour (Imp Aust) (Shannon & Paul Aldous) |
NZ | Warfare Enchanted Princess (CH) (Lisa Martel) |
NZ | Westwood Annie Oakley (NZ Ch & Neut Ch) (Niki Nicholson) |
NZ | Westwood Basileus (NZ Ch) (Jo Croft) |
NZ | Westwood Master Of War (Sandra Smid & Steve Hughes & Jo Croft) |
NZ | Whitestaff Top Gun (Teresa Treweek) |
Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages