Shih Tzu Profiles

NZ Ch Paddington Backstreet Boy
(Cathy Wallace Paddington)

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NZ Caraglen Lets Get It On (NZ Champion) (Mrs C Pemberton)
NZ Caraglen Stormy Night (NZ Champion) (Carolyn Pemberton)
NZ Caraglens' All I want is U (New Zealand Champion) (Mrs Carolyn Pemberton)
NZ Caraglen's Licensed To Woo (Carolyn Pemberton)
NZ Caraglen's Painted Gold (Carolyn Pemberton)
NZ Caraglen's Sealed With A Kiss (mrs C Pemberton)
NZ Celerity American Idol (NZ Ch) (Sue Blair)
NZ Celerity Dreaming of Woo (Sue Blair)
NZ Celerity New Kid In Town (Sue Blair)
NZ Celerity One Step Ahead (Multi RBIS PIS NZ Ch) (Sue Blair)
NSW Celerity Out For Justice (NZ Ch & Aust Ch) (Michele Thomas)
NZ Celerity Take That (NZ Ch) (Sue Blair)
NZ Celerity The Magic Never Ends (NZ Ch) (Sue Blair)
NZ Celerity The Wonder of Woo (NZ Ch) (Sue Blair & Joanne Townsend)
NZ ChnRed Absolutely Wicked (RBIS Aust ch) (Jin Song)
NZ Chnred Double Trouble (AI) (NZ CH) (Jin Song & Diane Boyd)
NZ Chnred Unforgettable moment (AI) (Jin SONG)
NZ Erintoi Born To Dance (imp Aus) (BIS/ RBIS/ BISS NZ CH) (Jin SONG)
NZ Khyleini Ziggy Stardust (Imp Aust) (Cathy Wallace)
NZ Kino The Ring Master (BIS NZ Ch & BIS Aust Ch) (Sue Blair)
NZ Paddington Backstreet Boy (NZ Ch) (Cathy Wallace Paddington)
NZ Paddington Nutt'n But Twubble (NZ Ch) (Cathy Wallace Paddington)
NZ Paddington Pick Pocket (NZ CH) (Cathy Wallace, Paddington)
NZ Paddington Project Runway (Cathy Wallace)
NZ Paddington Ragtime Man (NZ CH) (Cathy Wallace Paddington)
NZ Qualis Bollard (NZ Ch) (Cathy Wallace Paddington)
NZ Rivelino I Can Woo Magic (Multi BIS/Multi RBIS NZ Grand Ch) (Sue Blair)
NZ Shihghan Treasured Memories for Celerity (PIS NZ Ch) (J M Townsend & S A Blair)
NZ Shihghan Treasured Memories For Celerity (PIS NZ Ch) (J M Townsend & S A Blair)
NZ Tuama Magic Man (Laura Twomey)
NZ Vindora Midnight Express to Paddington (NZ CH) (Cathy Wallace, Paddington)
NZ Xeralane's Face Of The Night (imp USA) (Jin Song)

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