Shetland Sheepdog Profiles

NZ CH Romanoc All Grace N Knickers
(Peter & Rosemary Richards)

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NZ Airam Asya N Black (Ch) (Airam Kennels)
NZ Airam Dash O Black Pepper (CH) (M Devery)
NZ Airam Riches to Rave Over with Dinda (Ch) (Maria Devery)
NZ Airam Scorched Black Pepper (Ch) (Maria Devery)
NZ Airam Stirl'ng Silver (Ch) (Airam Kennels)
NZ Airam Tri A Nice Reprint (NZ Ch) (Airam Kennels)
NZ DeAmonte Alexis (Ch) (Lavina Diamanti)
NZ DeAmonte Ready Freddy (Lavina Diamanti)
NZ Fearnach Blue Moon Imp IRE (Ch) (Maria Devery)
NZ Hartly How Touching (Imp Aust) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Hillswick Sorcerers Apprentice (Imp Aust) (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Kumbirra Pure Fantasy (Imp Aust) (Airam Kennels)
NZ Lavika Moonshine (Imp UK) to Aust (NZ Champion) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Marsula Maid to Order (Imp Aust) (Ch) (Maria Devery)
NZ Marsula Mark N Time (Impt Aust) (Ch) (Maria Devery)
NZ Romanoc All Grace N Knickers (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Kiwi Krusader (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Maeden Krusade (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Monaye (NZ Champion) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Purfect Portrait (Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Rainbow (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Revelation (NZ Champion) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Take A Chance On Me (Rosemary Richards)
NZ Romanoc Touched With Glamour (NZ Champion) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Shatrin Legally Blonde (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Shelbrae Stylish Me (NZ CH) (Peter & Rosemary Richards)
NZ Shelton Byond Th' Starz (Ch & Neuter Ch) (Lavina Diamanti)
NZ Shelton Gottalove th' Look (Ch) (Lavina Diamanti)
NZ Shelton Miles O Sand (MBISS, RBIS Ch) (Lavina Diamanti)
NZ Shelton Troupador (Multi BISS, Multi RBISS, RBIS Spl Gr Ch) (Lavina Diamanti)

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