Rottweiler Profiles

NZ CH Amajah Red Rose
(Sharlene Storey)

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NZ Amajah Come Reign or Shine (NZ Ch) (Tracey Fenning)
NZ Amajah Cover Me N Candy (Sharlene Storey)
NZ Amajah Red Rose (NZ CH) (Sharlene Storey)
NZ Bavaria No Doubt (Mrs L A COULING)
NZ Bavaria The Force Awakens (L A Couling)
NZ Blickscharf Bounty Hunter (NZCH) (T Gempton)
NZ Danilo Vom Kummelsee( Imp. Germany.) HD +/- ED 0.0 JLPP Clear (Bill Patterson)
NZ Empyre Royal Flush (S Orlowski)
NZ Gelderland Queensbury Rules (Aust) (Sharlene Storey)
NZ Hancock vom Haus del Monte HD/ED Free, JLPP free, DNA Profiled, Lemp free, Eye and Dental Certified (NZ Ch Moldova Ch and Junior Ch of Ukraine) (W Patterson, D Harris, W Te Tau)
NZ Inselstaat Oerlikon (AI) V Rated (Imp Aust) HD2.2 ED. 0.0 JLPP Clear. Mouth and eyes certified. DNA (Bill Patterson & Wiki Te Tau)
NZ Kalten's Running on Faith (Tracy Gempton)
NZ Morning Star of Runciman (Ch) (Cathy Duder)
NZ Moya Into Darkness (AI) (Champion) (Mrs Anne-Marie Reid)
NZ Moya Rock n Roll (Aust & NZ CH) (Anne-Marie Reid)
NZ Moya The SpelzKast (Multi BISS, RBISS Aust & NZ Ch   ) (Anne-Marie Reid)
NZ Moya Too Close for Comfort HT0 (RBIS BISS Ch) (Anne Marie Reid)
NZ Revell Hollaback At Bavaria (Mrs Lisa A Couling & Mrs Amy Nicholson)
NZ Runciman Ice Breaker (C Duder and E Clarke)
NZ Stellarasse Blinkin Lovely (CH) (S King)
NZ Taumata Australis HD.2.2. Elbow 0.0. JLPP Clear, eye and mouth certified, DNA (Mr W. Patterson & W. Te Tau)
NZ Taumata Ice, Hips1.1. Elbows,0.0. JLPP free, Eye and mouth certified, DNA (william Patterson)
NZ Taumata Martini, Hips 4.3. Elbows 1.1. (william Patterson)
NZ Taumata Raven HD.1.1 Ed 0.0. Jlpp Clear (Wj. Patterson, & W. Te Tau)
NZ Ubersein Dawn Of The Legend (Imp Aust) HD 1:1, ED 0:0, JLPP Clear, Certified Full Detention and Eyes Normal. (NZ Ch RISS) (Ms Wiki Te Tau)
NZ Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp Aust) Hips.3.1. Elbows, grade 2, Dental and Eye certified, JLPP clear. DNA Profiled (NZ Supreme Champion BIS) (Ms Wiki Te Tau)
NZ Vodka Pop Rott Multi V1 (Import Serbia) HD A. ED free. JLPP Clear (BISS. RBISS Junior Ch. Serbia) (Bill Patterson)
NZ Waitiro Clevedon Cool As Ice (NZ Grand Champion) (Chris and Cathy Duder and Ethan Clarke)
NZ Waitiro Designer Lace (Cathy Duder)
NZ Waitiro Sub Zero (Cathy Duder)

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