French Bulldog Profiles

Ngawhetu Whangai De Centaine
(Andria Gibson)
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Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages
NZ | Apollo Treize De Centaine (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Astre Ashes From The Stars (NZ CH) (R Lowe & P Lowe & S Chrisstoffels & A Ch) |
NZ | Astre Bolder and Braver (NZ Ch) (M.Andrew and T.Toa) |
NZ | Astre Dare T Take Onth' Dragon At Tuiwood (J Richards) |
NZ | Astre Girl Of My Dreams At Peppertree (Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Astre Gucci Envy Me (NZ Ch) (Anna Winter & Mirrilay Andrew) |
NZ | Batear La Belle Etoile (Ch) (Chris & Helen Jefferies) |
NZ | Batenbull Unstoppable Luther (N Z Champion) (H Jefferies) |
NZ | Bellissima at Gesundheit. Imp Italy (Errol Tooth/Graham Hagger) |
NZ | Carte Truffe War of the Titans (Scott & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Centaine Benny N The Jets (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine Bfs Fur-ever (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine For Fox Sake (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine Gunz N Rosez (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine Up N Atom Ant (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Cest La Vie De Centaine (Andria Gibson - Centaine Kennels) |
NZ | Chrishell Belle of the Ball (Champion) (Helen Jefferies) |
NZ | Congistador Cover Girl (Aust Ch) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Congistador Frodo Baggins (NZ CH) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Congistador Pepper Pig (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Congistador Pepper Pig (NZ Ch) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Congistador Thomas The Tank (BISS NZ CH) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Cosmique George Clooney (Judith Henderson) |
NZ | Daccord Petite Nina (Ch) (Scott & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Dartagnan She's Born With It At Peppertree (Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Frenchboss De La Don Diego (Mark Murray) |
NZ | Frenwhip Hit The Jackpot (Andrea Walden Donna Tolladay) |
NZ | Frenwhip Love in a Photograph (NZ Ch) (Andrea Walden) |
NZ | Gefion A Dark Guardian At Antron (Champion) (Mrs Sylvia Gosse) |
NZ | Gefion courage to dream (NZ Ch) (S & A Chrisstoffels) |
NZ | Gefion Make My Day At Wharncliffe (Sophie Cookson & Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Gefion Regall Rose (Anna Winter, MS & A Christoffels) |
NZ | Gefion Rockin The Ink (Anna & Michell Shaw) |
NZ | Gefion Set In Stone (NZ Ch) (S & A Chrisstoffels & A Winter) |
NZ | Gefion Spellbound (Pat Webb) |
NZ | Gefion Stone,s Throw (M&S Murray & A&S Chrisstoffells) |
NZ | Gefion the Artfull Dodger (RBISS CH {GOLD MERIT}) (S & A Chrisstoffels/Claire Taylor) |
NZ | Gefion war machine (BISS NZ CH {bronze merit}) (M&A Chrisstoffels/C Brooks) |
NZ | Gefion Witch Of The Woods (Claire Taylor) |
NZ | Geshundheit Adore Me (NZ CH) (G Hagger, S Garrity & E Tooth) |
NZ | Geshundheit Monsieur Louis (NZ CH) (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Gesndheit Luke Skywalker (A Walden & E D Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Call Me Al (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Call Me Jett (BISS NZ Ch) (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Gesundheit Elle Mac (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Harry Houdini (Jordanlee McCullough /Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit I'm Kharma (CH) (Errol D Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit La Dolce Vita at Hagen (G Hagger& E D Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Let's Rock (Errol D Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Mi Amigo (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Petite Eva (R.I.S.S CH) (Errol D Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Petite Polly at Hagen (BISS, RBISS, CIB, PLATINUM CH.) (Graham Hagger & Sherry Garrity) |
NZ | Gesundheit Raggazo Dolce (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Gesundheit Rock Deeva (CH) (Sherry Garrity and Graham Hagger) |
NZ | Gesundheit Senor Maximus At Hagen (RUBISS CIB Ch) (G Hagger / S Garrity / E Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Senorita Dulcia (NZ Ch) (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Signor Giovanni (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Signora Aleks (ERROL Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit Signora Aleks (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit So Special (B.I.S/B.I.S.S CH) (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Gesundheit The Gilded Lilly (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Ghostgum Rolling Stone (Susann Murray) |
NZ | Ghostgum Stonehendge (Mark Murray) |
NZ | Ghostgum The Chosen One (NZ CH) (Anna Winter & Tara Richards) |
NZ | Hagen Call Me Abracadabra (AI) (R.I.S.S. CH) (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Call Me Alakazam (AI) (BIS, RBISS CH) (G Hagger, S Garrity, E Tooth) |
NZ | Hagen Chiamami Jaq at Gesundheit (R.I.S. CH) (Graham Hagger & Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Hagen Dream A Little Dream (RUBIS CH) (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Dream On (NZ Ch) (H Clifford, G Hagger, S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Eternal Flame (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Flight of the Bumblebee (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Geisha Girl (R.I.S.S) (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Miss Sakura (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Orange Blossom Special (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Simply Red (Graham Hagger & Sherry Garrity) |
NZ | Hagen Sweet Painted Lady at Gesundheit (E Tooth & G Hagger) |
NZ | Hagen The Last Samurai at Gesundheit (Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Hagen The Lone Ranger (G Hagger & S Garrity) |
NZ | Kaayin Monsieur Asterix (Andria Gibson - Centaine Kennels) |
NZ | Kaysand Hot to Trot (Helen Palffy) |
NZ | Kibo N Lechien's Dream Weaver (IMP US) (Sue Tahere) |
NZ | Labohrem Eleanor Rigby (CH) (P Rollo) |
NZ | Labohrem Guardian's Kismet (Andria Gibson & P Rollo) |
NZ | Labohrem Guardian's Nebula at LeChien (S Tahere) |
NZ | Labohrem Marvels Deadpool (Sue Tahere) |
NZ | Labohrem Showem No Mercy (P Rollo) |
NZ | Labohrem Showem Thundastruk (A Walden P Rollo) |
NZ | Labohrem The Kingsman (P Rollo) |
NZ | Labohrem Wreck It Ralph (P Rollo) |
NZ | Lechien First Edition at Frenwhip (BIS CH) (Andrea Walden) |
NZ | LeChien Izzn’t I Sweet (Sue Tahere) |
NZ | LeChien Next Step (Sue Tahere) |
NZ | LeChien Pixie Dust (Milly Brannigan) |
NZ | LeChien This is the Way (Milly Brannigan) |
NZ | Mattbridge Black Russian at Gesundheit (Amanda Rutherford & Errol Tooth) |
NZ | Moonglade Chisel (A. Wilson) |
NZ | Moonglade King Konfident De Centaine (imp-aust) (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Nascade Cauzin Chaos (Heather Clifford) |
NZ | Nascade Miss Behaven (Heather Clifford) |
NZ | Nascade Whoz Ya Daddy At Antron (Champion) (Mrs Sylvia Gosse) |
NZ | Ngawhetu A Touch of Class (M & L Berkers) |
NZ | Ngawhetu Whangai De Centaine (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Oasis Oh Em Gee (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Opalguard Looks Like Trouble (NZ Ch) (Scott & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Ordained The Centurion (A Wilson) |
NZ | Peppertree Dior Elegance (Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Peppertree Flamme Rouge (Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Peppertree Sweet Valentine De Wharncliffe (Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Petit Loup de Centaine (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Tamataki All Heart ''n'' Soul (NZ Ch) (Claire Brooks) |
NZ | Tamataki Deja Who Doo (Claire Brooks) |
NZ | Tamataki The Dreamcatcher AD JD (NZ CH) (Claire Brooks) |
NZ | Tamataki Who Made Who (Nz CH) (Claire Brooks) |
NZ | Theano I am Mighty (Imp Aust) (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Theano Rip Wheeler (Imp Aust) (Aust & NZ CH) (Scott & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Thorncombe Devil Wears Prada (NZ CH) (M Berkers & L Berkers) |
NZ | Thorncombe Rocketman (NZ Ch) (M Berkers & L Berkers) |
NZ | Titans Child Surprise (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Cool Beauty (Ch) (Scott & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Delicious Delirium (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Gem From Opalguard (CH) (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Hello Sweetie (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's Im a Bond Girl (RUBIS CH) (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Just Keep Swimming (CH) (S&L Lovell & A Walden) |
NZ | Titans Just Keep Swimming (NZ Ch) (Andrea Walden & Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's Laf it Up Fuzzball (CH) (S&L Lovell and J Klennar) |
NZ | Titans Legacee frm Opalguard (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Little Fury (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Monte Blanc (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's Muscle Up Buttercup (Sue Tahere) |
NZ | Titans One Bad Az Queen (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Pay the Ferryman (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Q Mon Capitaine (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's Rebel Princess (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Shadow of Destiny (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Shake It Off (Loretta Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's Shaken not Stirred (CH) (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Shes Gonna Be Trouble (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titan's This is the Way of Silverpeak (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Whole Lotta Trouble (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans Work of Art (S & L Lovell) |
NZ | Titans'One Bad Mama Jama (S&L Lovell) |
NZ | Warfare vu Fahrenheit (BISS CH) (Vicki Mills & Vannessa Joyce) |
NZ | Warfare vu Floki (NZ Ch) (Rebecca Dalglish and Vannessa Joyce) |
NZ | Warfare vu Valentino (MULTI BISS , RUBISS, BIS , NZ SPL GR CH, NZ CH) (Rebecca & Vannessa) |
NZ | Warpaint After the Goldrush (Imp Aust) (BISS NZ CH) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Warpaint Bilbo Baggins at Congistador (Imp Aust) (MULTI RUBIS BISS NZ CH) (R & P Lowe) |
NZ | Wharncliffe Morels Noir (Sophie Cookson & Kelly Frederickson) |
NZ | Zamu Lightmyfire (Zim & NZ CH) (Pat Webb) |
NZ | Zennhaus Accalia De Centaine (imp-aust) (Andria Gibson - Centaine Kennels) |
Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages