Dobermann Profiles

NZ Ch Derringer Shoot The Image
(Jan Read)

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NZ Dassin Chip N Chase(ImpAust) (NZ Ch) (J & P Read)
NZ Debruk A Star Is Born At Shadday (NZ Ch) (Helene Street & IT and SR Maguigan)
NZ Derringer R U Reddy For Zed (NZ Ch) (J Goodwin & J V Read)
NZ Derringer Super Hero (Doy Weston)
NZ Derringer Twice The Chance (NZCh.) (J V Read & A Evans)
QLD Derringer What A Chance (MULT BIS & BISS AU SUPREME CHAMP) (R.Harnell & E G Goodwin-Smith & L Fabian)
QLD Derringer What A Chance (Au Supreme Ch) (R. Harnell & Goodwin-Smith)
NZ Fireax Fancy Force (Imp-Aust) (NZ Ch) (J.V. Read)
NZ Kingleigh Your Name Is Mud (Ch) (Shirley Herbert)
NZ Martyn Big Bad Wolf @ Parima (NZ Ch) (M Armit)
NZ Martyn Down The Rabbit Hole (Ch) (Lisa, Cassidy & Martyn Slade)
NZ Martyn Karmah comes around (Supreme GR CH BIS BISS) (Martyn Dobermanns)
NZ Patonshill Habanero (NZ CH) (Rick Gilchrist)
NZ Shadday Who'd A Thought It By Debruk (NZ Ch) (H Street and IT & SR Maguigan)

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