Boston Terrier Profiles

NZ CH Savendie April Son In Cuba
(Amanda Easterbrook)

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NZ Devine Luvz A Man N'Uniform by Rossdhu (NZ CH) (Nicole Harrison)
NZ Devine N’All Th’Riot Places by Rossdhu (AI) (BIS RBIS NZ GRAND Ch) (Nicole Harrison)
NZ Devine Yeah Riot I Am with Martyn (AI) (NZ CH) (Nicole Harrison & M, L & C Slade)
NZ Glomar Royal Kiss (NZ Ch. & Neut Ch.) (Mrs Penny Calman)
NZ Rossdhu Kissed Bya Prince Of Devine (NZ BIS BISS Grand Ch) (Mrs Penny Calman)
NZ Rossdhu No Fashun Faux Pas with Devine (SPL GR CH BIS BISS NZ Aust CH) (Nicole Harrison)
NZ Savendie April Son In Cuba (NZ CH) (Amanda Easterbrook)
NZ Suedanka Clear Collusion (Ch) (Shannon Aldous)

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