Akita Profiles

(Karen Bell ( Christabell Kennels)
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Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages
NZ | Arvon 's Walk The Line (Terry Newdick & Michele Woods) |
NZ | Arvon's Ribbons of Colour (AI) (NZ Ch) (Terry Newdick & Michelle Woods) |
NZ | Arvon's Solar Flare (AI) (NZ Ch) (T Newdick & M Woods) |
NZ | Arvon's Flashes of Red (T Newdick & M woods) |
NZ | Arvon's From the Hearth (NZ Ch) (Terry Newdick & Michelle Woods) |
NZ | Arvon's Out of the Ashes (NZ Ch) (Terry Newdick & Michelle Woods) |
NZ | Centaine Dance On Air (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine La Bamba (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Centaine Whisky Tango Foxtrt (CH) (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Christabell Deja vu (CHAMPION) (Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Dodge Da Orca (CH) (Christabell Kennels - Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Dodge Da Phantom (MULTI BIS/RUBIS/BISS/RUBISS PLATINUM MERIT NZ CH) (Karen Bell ( Christabell Kennels) |
NZ | Christabell Gotta Hava Mocha (Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Kiwi Attitude (Gold Merit Ch) (Karen Bell & Lisa Allan) |
NZ | Christabell Kiwi Classic (CH) (Karen Bell - Christabell Kennels) |
NZ | Christabell Mi Amore (Aust Champion) (Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell One Good Shot (RUBISS NZ CH) (Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Skye's Viper (BIS CH) (Christabell Kennels / Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Summer Blast (CH) (Christabell Kennels - Karen Bell) |
NZ | Christabell Who's That Girl (Karen Bell) |
NZ | Cooltre Eternal Flame ( Imp-Aust ) (NZ Ch) (Michelle Woods) |
NZ | Desertraine Fear No Evil ( imp aust ) (T Franghetti) |
NZ | Healthdog Ridin The Wave At Christabell (NZ CHAMPION) (Miss Karen Bell) |
NZ | Keskai Chasing Stars ( Imp UK ) (NZ CH) (T. Franghetti) |
NZ | Melodor Mountain Bear (IMP UK) (NZ Ch) (T. Franghetti) |
NZ | Miskas Bullseye (imp-aust) (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Miskas Honeybee (Andria Gibson) |
NZ | Shaze Angel Eyes (NZ Ch) (T.Franghetti) |
NZ | Shaze Candyman (T. Franghetti) |
NZ | Shaze Easy Rider (NZ Ch) (T Franghetti) |
NZ | Shyllar Son Of A Gun ( Imp UK ) (RUBIS GOLD MERIT NZ CH) (Karen Bell- Christabell Kennels) |
NZ | Sondaisa Calling the Shots. ( Imp USA ) (AM CH , GOLD MERIT BIS NZ CH) (Karen Bell & Colleen Sullivan) |
NZ | Stecals Total Sensation ( Imp UK ) (T Franghetti) |
Displaying Page 1 of 1 pages