Breeder of the Year 2024
Breeder Results - Individual Dog
Irish Terrier
NZ Ch Tasdale Hanky Panky
(Diane Riley)
Breeder Results - Individual Dog
Dog Name : | NZ Ch Tasdale Hanky Panky |
Breed : | Irish Terrier |
Owned by : | Diane Riley |
Points total : 15
Date | Show Name | Result | Points |
13-Jan-24 | Banks Peninsula A&P Society | 1 | |
14-Jan-24 | Banks Peninsula A&P Society | 1 | |
2-Mar-24 | North Otago Kennel Association | 1 | |
3-Mar-24 | North Otago Kennel Association | 1 | |
23-Mar-24 | Geraldine County Kennel Association | 1 | |
4-May-24 | Ellesmere A & P Society (Show 1) | 1 | |
5-May-24 | Ellesmere A & P Society (Show 2) | 1 | |
18-May-24 | Marlborough Kennel Association (AM Show) | 1 | |
18-May-24 | Marlborough Kennel Association (PM Show) | 1 | |
19-May-24 | Marlborough Kennel Association (Benefit Show) | 1 | |
10-Aug-24 | Canterbury Kennel Association - Benefit Show | 1 | |
5-Oct-24 | The Plains Kennel Association | 1 | |
6-Oct-24 | The Plains Kennel Association | 1 | |
15-Nov-24 | Canterbury Kennel Association | 1 | |
16-Nov-24 | Canterbury Kennel Association | 1 |