Fox Terrier (Smooth) Pointscore 2023
This page shows the national breed tally board.
View Island Tally
Show Dog of the Year National Leaderboard 2023
The All Breeds leaderboard recognises dogs of this breed who do well at the National level when competing against other breeds. It is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
No. 1
- Gchb Kamakris Mastermind (Imp) (C Tolley / Kamiron & Hunter Moates) (888)
No. 2
- Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley) (587)
No. 3
- Charlemagne Thats What I Like (Carrie Tolley) (77)
No. 4
- Charlemagne Galway Girl (Carrie Tolley) (73)
No. 5
- Charlemagne Slim Shady (Carrie Tolley) (31)
Best of Breed National Leaderboard 2023
The Best of Breed Competition recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Best and R/Up Best of Breed wins received at any Championship Show throughout New Zealand. All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.

Charlemagne Hammer Time
(C Tolley)
No. 1
- Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley) (132)
No. 2
- Gchb Kamakris Mastermind (Imp) (C Tolley / Kamiron & Hunter Moates) (81)
No. 3
- Charlemagne Galway Girl (Carrie Tolley) (76)
No. 4
- Charlemagne Slim Shady (Carrie Tolley) (76)
No. 5
- Charlemagne Thats What I Like (Carrie Tolley) (40)
No. 6
- Selwor Spyforce (Imp Aust) (Anna Ancell/ Ashleigh & Stacy Donaldson-Rogers) (25)
No. 7
- Charlemagne Shake It Off (Carrie Tolley) (24)
No. 8
- Foxdale Bound For Greatness (Paula & Mark Simpson) (6)
No. 9
- Foxdale Whole Lotta Lovin (Paula & Mark Simpson) (2)
Rising Star National Leaderboard 2023
The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 24 months of age). All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.

Charlemagne Hammer Time
(C Tolley)
No. 1
- Charlemagne Hammer Time (C Tolley) (403)
No. 2
- Charlemagne Thats What I Like (Carrie Tolley) (395)
No. 3
- Charlemagne Galway Girl (Carrie Tolley) (306)
No. 4
- Charlemagne Shake It Off (Carrie Tolley) (185)
No. 5
- Charlemagne Slim Shady (Carrie Tolley) (161)
No. 6
- Selwor Spyforce (Imp Aust) (Anna Ancell/ Ashleigh & Stacy Donaldson-Rogers) (110)
No. 7
- Foxdale Whole Lotta Lovin (Paula & Mark Simpson) (35)
Neuter Competition National Leaderboard 2023
The Neuter leaderboard recognises leading Neuters in the breed. All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.
No entries received
Breeder of the Year 2023 leaderboard
The Breeder of the Year leaderboard recognises the top breeders in this breed based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred.
No. 1
- CHARLEMAGNE (C Tolley) (152)