Whippet Pointscore 2023

This page shows the breed tally board for each island.
View National Tally

Show Dog of the Year Island Leaderboard 2023

The All Breeds leaderboard is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

  • NZ Ch Arjuna Nelli Ph'ant (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (132)

No. 4

South Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

  • Kana-Ka Just Keep A Hum'n (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (66)

No. 5

  • NZ Ch Kana-Ka A Sable In My Stable (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams & Paul Thelin) (61)

No. 6

  • Kana-Ka Caught Hum'n In Church (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (23)

Best of Breed Island Leaderboard 2023

The Best of Breed competition recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Best and R/Up Best of Breed wins received at any Championship Show throughout New Zealand. Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

  • Danubia Dolores Haze at Arcon (Nth Is) (Anita Henderson/Coral Henderson/Caroline Matheson) (68)

No. 6

  • NZ Ch Arjuna Nelli Ph'ant (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (66)

No. 7

No. 8

  • NZ Ch Arjuna Justa Jigolo (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (18)

No. 9

  • Kanati Rebel Yell at Arjuna (Imp Aust) (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (11)

No. 10

South Island

No. 1

No. 2

  • NZ Ch Kana-Ka He's My Hummer (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (87)

No. 3

No. 4

  • Kana-Ka Just Keep A Hum'n (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (74)

No. 5

No. 6

  • NZ Ch Kana-Ka A Sable In My Stable (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams & Paul Thelin) (49)

No. 7

No. 8

  • Kana-Ka Caught Hum'n In Church (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (10)

Rising Star Island Leaderboard 2023

The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 24 months of age). Only shows held in the dog's competition state are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

  • Danubia Dolores Haze at Arcon (Nth Is) (Anita Henderson/Coral Henderson/Caroline Matheson) (275)

No. 3

  • NZ Ch Dachlah Dont Stop Believin at Shenkhan (Imp AUST) (Nth Is) (Merle Powley & Craig Powley) (145)

No. 4

  • Dachlah Moonlight Serenade at Shenkhan (Imp Aust) (Nth Is) (Merle & Craig Powley) (100)

No. 5

  • Kana-Ka Hum’n A Tune is Ezzee at Shenkhan (Nth Is) (Craig Powley) (85)

No. 6

  • Kanati Rebel Yell at Arjuna (Imp Aust) (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (75)

No. 7

  • Arjuna Posh Totti (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (70)

No. 8

  • Arcon Monochrome (Nth Is) (Anita Henderson & Lynette Smith) (55)

No. 9

  • NZ Ch Arjuna Nelli Ph'ant (Nth Is) (Libby Clarke) (5)

South Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

  • Kana-Ka Caught Hum'n In Church (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (225)

No. 4

No. 5

  • Kana-Ka Just Keep A Hum'n (Sth Is) (Jackie Newton-Williams) (141)

Neuter Competition Island Leaderboard 2023

The Neuter leaderboard recognises leading Neuters in the breed. Only shows held in the dog's competition state are eligible for inclusion in the State tallyboard.

No entries received