Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pointscore 2023

This page shows the breed tally board for each island.
View National Tally

Show Dog of the Year Island Leaderboard 2023

The All Breeds leaderboard is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

  • Corkscrew Gizmo at Westwood (Nth Is) (K Tebbutt & J Croft) (26)

South Island

No. 1

  • Myrah Simply Magic For Renegade (Sth Is) (Kirsty Morton & Jorga Dixon) (173)

No. 2

  • NZ Ch Myrah She Can Do Magic (Sth Is) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (120)

No. 3

  • NZ Ch Myrah Million Dollar Monster (Sth Is) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (87)

No. 4

No. 5

  • Myrah Monster Mash (Sth Is) (Bonnie Waghorn) (55)

No. 6

  • Stafflands Annie Getcha Gun At Southstaff (Sth Is) (Leanne Pryde & Niki Nicholson) (28)

No. 7

  • NZ Ch Sladestaff Bring The Noise (Sth Is) (Teresa Treweek) (24)

No. 8

  • NZ Ch Myrah Most Wanted (Sth Is) (J Dixon/ B Wadsworth & C Tipene) (23)

No. 9

  • Koendidda Beta Latethan Never (Sth Is) (T Treweek, S & G Meredith) (16)

Best of Breed Island Leaderboard 2023

The Best of Breed competition recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Best and R/Up Best of Breed wins received at any Championship Show throughout New Zealand. Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

  • Stafflands Tiny Dancer (Nth Is) (Niki Nicholson) (75)

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

No. 10

No. 11

  • Sanstache Dats Some Boo-Sheet (Nth Is) (Eamonn Pearless) (44)

No. 12

  • NZ Ch Shadowstaff Teutonic Knight at Gyparris (Nth Is) (Toni Harris) (40)

No. 13

  • Sanstache Not So Easily Burnd (Nth Is) (Eamonn Pearless) (37)

No. 14

  • Corkscrew Gizmo at Westwood (Nth Is) (K Tebbutt & J Croft) (36)

No. 15

  • Gyparris Lady of Brindle (Nth Is) (Toni Harris) (19)

South Island

No. 1

  • NZ Ch Myrah She Can Do Magic (Sth Is) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (260)

No. 2

  • NZ Ch Myrah Million Dollar Monster (Sth Is) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (209)

No. 3

No. 4

  • NZ Ch Myrah Most Wanted (Sth Is) (J Dixon/ B Wadsworth & C Tipene) (145)

No. 5

  • Myrah Simply Magic For Renegade (Sth Is) (Kirsty Morton & Jorga Dixon) (126)

No. 6

  • NZ Ch Wunderbar Hop on Pop at Renegade (Sth Is) (Miss Jorga Dixon & Ms Bridgette Wadsworth) (84)

No. 7

  • Stafflands Annie Getcha Gun At Southstaff (Sth Is) (Leanne Pryde & Niki Nicholson) (78)

No. 8

  • NZ Ch Sladestaff Bring The Noise (Sth Is) (Teresa Treweek) (44)

No. 9

No. 10

  • Myrah Monster Mash (Sth Is) (Bonnie Waghorn) (24)

No. 11

  • Koendidda Beta Latethan Never (Sth Is) (T Treweek, S & G Meredith) (21)

Rising Star Island Leaderboard 2023

The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 24 months of age). Only shows held in the dog's competition state are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

  • Corkscrew Gizmo at Westwood (Nth Is) (K Tebbutt & J Croft) (195)

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

  • Blackshot Gone Walkabout (imp Aust) (AI) (Nth Is) (J Croft/S Smid & S Hughes) (75)

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

  • Ashbek Out Of Ink (Nth Is) (M Abbott) (25)

South Island

No. 1

  • NZ Ch Myrah She Can Do Magic (Sth Is) (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (630)

No. 2

  • Myrah Simply Magic For Renegade (Sth Is) (Kirsty Morton & Jorga Dixon) (113)

No. 3

No. 4

  • Stafflands Annie Getcha Gun At Southstaff (Sth Is) (Leanne Pryde & Niki Nicholson) (90)

No. 5

  • NZ Ch Myrah Most Wanted (Sth Is) (J Dixon/ B Wadsworth & C Tipene) (70)

No. 6

  • Zekiel April Fools Imposter (Sth Is) (T Treweek) (30)

No. 7

  • Myrah Deeva by Blood at Fireleigh (Sth Is) (Melissa Fawcett/ Jorga Dixon/ Bridget Wadsworth) (20)

No. 8

  • Takoda Rattle And Hum At Chasewood (Sth Is) (Sian Vermeer) (10)

Neuter Competition Island Leaderboard 2023

The Neuter leaderboard recognises leading Neuters in the breed. Only shows held in the dog's competition state are eligible for inclusion in the State tallyboard.

North Island

No. 1

No. 2

  • Shadowstaff Lallybroch Lady of SansTache (Nth Is) (Eamonn Pearless) (90)

No. 3

  • NZ Ch Westwood Annie Oakley (Nth Is) (Niki Nicholson) (54)

South Island

No. 1

No. 2

  • Alburyheight Fender of Fireleigh (Sth Is) (Melissa Fawcett) (84)