Rising Star of the Year 2023

Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - New Zealand

The Rising Star of the Year 2023 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).

LEADER - Gundog Group - New Zealand
English Springer Spaniel
Arawhiti Spanky Jackzon
(N & R Trainor)

Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - New Zealand

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

No. 10

No. 11

No. 12

No. 13

No. 14

No. 15

No. 16

No. 17

No. 18

No. 19

No. 20

No. 21

No. 22

No. 23

No. 24

No. 25

No. 26

No. 27

No. 28

No. 29

No. 30

  • Irish Setter
    NZ Ch Garvagh Indiana Jones (M R Lawrence/ C A McManus & K Hubbard) (122)

No. 31

  • Pointer
    Chesterhope Slippery Wen Wet (D O’Neill) (115)

No. 32

No. 33

No. 34

No. 35

No. 36

No. 37

No. 38

No. 39

No. 40

No. 41

No. 42

No. 43

No. 44

No. 45

No. 46

No. 47

No. 48

No. 49

No. 50

  • Weimaraner
    Grauhund Back on Track at Weissenberg (Imp Aust) (Kathy White) (60)