Neuter Pointscore 2023
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - New Zealand
The Neuter Pointscore 2023 showcases the top Neuters on the show scene in New Zealand.

LEADER - Utility Group - New Zealand
Siberian Husky
Spl Gr/NZ & Neut Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy
(Giselle Jeannes)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - New Zealand
No. 1
- Siberian Husky
Spl Gr/NZ & Neut Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy (Giselle Jeannes) (420)
No. 2
- Siberian Husky
NZ Neut Ch Subahka Blessed Luck SDX (Deane & Heather Wald) (317)
No. 3
- Leonberger
NZ Neut Ch Leonburns Justa Jiffy Aye (Joanne Thomas) (155)
No. 4
- Samoyed
Neut Ch Zaminka Diamond Prince (Tess Robinson) (129)
No. 5
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Heaven's Halo SDCH (Sharmia Theodore) (109)
No. 6
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Bannerbrite Breathing Fire at Snowolf SDX (Imp AUST) (Giselle Jeannes & Laura Simpson) (67)
No. 7
- Rottweiler
NZ Ch Kauriland Vanilla Sky at Brookvale (T & J Marsh / S Orlowski) (57)
No. 8
- Bernese Mountain Dog
Bernalese Back Da Chief (Jo Peters) (42)
No. 9
- Samoyed
Kalisa Moonlight (E Clausen) (36)
No. 10
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alpine American Dream SD (Melanie Quinn) (27)
No. 11
- Siberian Husky
Snowolf Flaming Martini SDX (L Simpson) (15)
No. 12
- Bullmastiff
Numoda Midnight Confessions At Akylah (AI) (Sharron Mischefski & R Collins) (10)