Neuter Pointscore 2023
Top 50 Leaderboard - Working Dog Group - North Island
The Neuter Pointscore 2023 showcases the top Neuters on the show scene in New Zealand.

LEADER - Working Dog Group - North Island
Bearded Collie
NZ Ch Lyntree Circle The World (AI)
(Penny & Murray Brooks)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Working Dog Group - North Island
No. 1
- Bearded Collie
NZ Ch Lyntree Circle The World (AI) (Penny & Murray Brooks) (85)
No. 2
- White Swiss Shepherd Dog
NZ Ch Pandorras Dragon-Hunter (Nathalie Sperling) (58)
No. 3
- Shetland Sheepdog
NZ Ch Beaucourt Wildest Dreams (Cheryl Aalen) (58)
No. 4
- Shetland Sheepdog
NZ Ch Beaucourt Timeless Shalamar (Stefany Knight) (53)
No. 5
- Collie (Rough)
NZ & NZ Neut Ch Lochburn Silva Moonlite (M Palmer) (30)
No. 6
- Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
NZ Ch Neut Ch Kawera Hunt The Dream With Rodwell (W O'Callaghan) (25)