Neuter Pointscore 2023
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - North Island
The Neuter Pointscore 2023 showcases the top Neuters on the show scene in New Zealand.

LEADER - Gundog Group - North Island
English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Wybourne Choc Ginger Royal
(K Clement)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - North Island
No. 1
- English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Wybourne Choc Ginger Royal (K Clement) (584)
No. 2
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
NZ Neut Ch Brynmor Master Montague (Sharon Gibbons & Trevor Francis) (219)
No. 3
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch & Neut Ch Afonderi All the Way May (N McBurney & J McBurney) (199)
No. 4
- English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Wybourne Choc Ginger Royal (K Clement) (42)