Rising Star of the Year 2022
Top 50 Leaderboard - Terrier Group - South Island
The Rising Star of the Year 2022 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).

LEADER - Terrier Group - South Island
Irish Terrier
Anluan Lets Play Tag at Tasdale (Imp AUST)
(Diane Riley)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Terrier Group - South Island
No. 1
- Irish Terrier
Anluan Lets Play Tag at Tasdale (Imp AUST) (Diane Riley) (290)
No. 2
- Bull Terrier
Raiden Evenstar (K Joyce) (213)
No. 3
- Norwich Terrier
Norwester Red Planet (Jill Watson) (180)
No. 4
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Myrah She Can Do Magic (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (140)
No. 5
- Australian Terrier
Montana Pitch Perfect (Nicole Adams) (135)
No. 6
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Takoda Game On At Chasewood (Sian Vermeer) (110)
No. 7
- Jack Russell Terrier
NZ Ch Jacknthebox Rumours Run Riot (Jo & Gerard Price / Anita-Kaye Malby) (106)
No. 8
- American Staffordshire Terrier
Zaliamstaff A Queens Justyce (Z Jordan & J Klenner) (95)
No. 9
- Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Charlemagne Galway Girl (Carrie Tolley) (91)
No. 10
- American Staffordshire Terrier
Zaliamstaff Kno Ur Frenemies (Z Jordan & J Klenner) (85) - Bull Terrier
Raiden Oh My Venus (K Joyce) (85)
No. 11
- Bull Terrier
Raiden Samurai Jack (K Joyce) (75)
No. 12
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Redgem Heaven Sent (Richelle Hayton & Amanda Saville) (75)
No. 13
- Irish Terrier
NZ Ch Tasdale Tis a fine Ting (Diane Riley) (70)
No. 14
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Myrah Most Wanted (J Dixon/ B Wadsworth & C Tipene) (66)
No. 15
- Norwich Terrier
Norwester Yorkshire Mist at Thaxmead (Jill Watson) (65)
No. 16
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
NZ Ch Myrah Million Dollar Monster (Jorga Dixon & Bridgette Wadsworth) (60)
No. 17
- Norwich Terrier
Norwester Yorkshire Moor at Thaxmead (Jill Watson) (60)
No. 18
- Norwich Terrier
Norwester Yorkshire Pale Ale at Thaxmead (Jill Watson) (55)
No. 19
- Australian Terrier
Montana Make up Ya Mind (Diane Riley) (55)
No. 20
- Sealyham Terrier
Aimfor Mail Border Bride (Imp AUST) (Leanne McTear) (52)
No. 21
- Norwich Terrier
Norwester Pocket Venus (Jill Watson) (50)
No. 22
- Bull Terrier
Montana Wanderlust Atraiden (Kathryn Joyce) (45)
No. 23
- Norwich Terrier
Kaeva Drum Roll (Debra Sheddan) (45)
No. 24
- Bull Terrier
Raiden Morningstar' (L Munro) (31) - Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Takoda Enjoy the Ride (Lou Gilchrist) (31)
No. 25
- Australian Terrier
Shandrys Im A Star (Andy S Johnstone) (30)
No. 26
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Koendidda Beta Latethan Never (T Treweek, S & G Meredith) (25)
No. 27
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Myrah Monster Mash (Bonnie Waghorn) (25) - Border Terrier
Glenample Juniper Berry of Mossrose (Katie Robinson) (25)
No. 28
- Australian Terrier
Tasdale Front Page News (Diane Riley) (20)
No. 29
- West Highland White Terrier
Westiemac Westfield Brogan (Jon Field) (10)
No. 30
- Norwich Terrier
Kaeva Love Letters in'th Sand (Debra Sheddan) (5)