Show Dog of the Year 2022
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - North Island
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout New Zealand.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.

LEADER - Gundog Group - North Island
Gordon Setter
NZ Spr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST)
(Kim Atkinson)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Gundog Group - North Island
No. 1
- Gordon Setter
NZ Spr Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp AUST) (Kim Atkinson) (5597)
No. 2
- Irish Setter
NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Cederman) (4375)
No. 3
- Cocker Spaniel
NZ Gr Ch Suedanka Shined My Halo (A Calman) (4214)
No. 4
- Golden Retriever
NZ Spr Ch Sandlewood Take A Bow (S Fleming/ G Nelson/ P Gordon/ K Jackson) (1849)
No. 5
- Bracco Italiano
Molocsyg Gino (Imp AUST) (G Gulbransen) (813)
No. 6
- Labrador Retriever
NZ Ch Croftsway Show Off (Julie Bedford) (454)
No. 7
- Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Sandlewood Peppermint Patty (Gaye Nelson & Phillida Gordon) (282)
No. 8
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Brynmor Levi Rocks (Kelly Te Reo) (193)
No. 9
- Pointer
NZ Ch Chesterhope Born T Peform (Jacob Ashwell & Jordyn O'Neill) (187)
No. 10
- Labrador Retriever
NZ Ch Roughfield License to Chill (Angela Murray) (123)
No. 11
- Labrador Retriever
Sarasota Legally Mine (G Izzard) (115)
No. 12
- English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Wybourne Choc Ginger Royal (K Clement) (114)
No. 13
- Golden Retriever
Seacove Harbour Master with Goldriver (Janette Bedford) (100)
No. 14
- Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Rowangold Runnin' Down A Dream (B & S Paterson) (81)
No. 15
- English Springer Spaniel
NZ Ch Wybourne Ginger Kisses Tiara (K Clement) (78)
No. 16
- Labrador Retriever
Sarasota Are You Kidding Me (Libby Henderson) (62)
No. 17
- Labrador Retriever
Blackhills Moonlight Sonata (Rhonda Ward & Trisha Hallmond) (61)
No. 18
- Golden Retriever
NZ & Aust Ch Fantango What Happens in Vegas (AI) (Imp AUST) (Miss J Bedford & Ms J Salvestrin) (60) - Italian Spinone
Ushwyn Sapphire's Choice (Raewyn Radich) (60)
No. 19
- Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Sandlewood Runa Mile In M'shus (AI) (Gaye Nelson & Phillida Gordon) (46)
No. 20
- Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Seacove Hidden Treasure (Janette Bedford) (45)
No. 21
- Labrador Retriever
NZ Ch Croftsway Show Time (Julie Bedford-Pope) (36)
No. 22
- Weimaraner
Carnmellis Marty’s Last Fling (Pip Simmons) (26)