Results for Show Dog of the Year 2022

Dog Name : NZ Ch Oscarbi Hell Yeh I'm A Rediboy
Breed : Samoyed
Owned by : Helen Clark & Rob Barzey
Competition Island : North Island

Points tally based on top 30 shows (points value)
National Points : 650
Island Points : 650

National Competition (Top 30)112
Island Competition (Top 30)112
Date Show Name Result Points Top 30
Top 30
19-Jun-22 Hauraki Canine Association (Nth) R/Up in Group 66 Y Y
4-Sep-22 Huntly and District Kennel Association (Nth) R/Up in Group 99 Y Y
5-Oct-22 Spitz Breeds Club (Nth) R/Up in Show 78 Y Y
6-Oct-22 Auckland Non-Sporting and Utility Dog Association (Nth) Best in Show 270 Y Y
26-Nov-22 South Taranaki Kennel Centre (Nth) Best in Group 90 Y Y
17-Dec-22 Wellington Kennel Centre (Nth) Best in Group 47 Y Y
Pointscore totals based on top 30 shows (points value) 650 650