Show Dog of the Year 2021
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - South Island
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout New Zealand.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.
No. 1
- Shiba Inu
NZ Spr & Aust Ch Rakurai Pretty Fly For A Red Guy (IID UK) (Imp AUST) (Jennifer Nield) (593)
No. 2
- Rottweiler
NZ Spr & Spl Gr Ch Revell Tis Balou's Reign At Straumburg (Mike Bell) (335)
No. 3
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alpine Speed Of Sound (Melanie Quinn) (164)
No. 4
- Neapolitan Mastiff
Quake Down Under (Imp BEL) (L Phillips) (50)
No. 5