Show Dog of the Year 2021
Top 50 Leaderboard - Hound Group - New Zealand
Points are based on selected Group and In Show wins from any Championship show throughout New Zealand.
Points awarded are based on the number of entries in the Group or Show.

LEADER - Hound Group - New Zealand
NZ Sup Ch Benbridge Have I Told U Lately
(Hank Faifua & Tony Fox)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Hound Group - New Zealand
No. 1
- Whippet
NZ Sup Ch Benbridge Have I Told U Lately (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox) (1952)
No. 2
No. 3
- Basset Hound
NZ Ch Hunterspark Here's Mr Harry (Martin & Wendy Hewitt) (1441)
No. 4
- Basset Hound
NZ Ch Bayparque Ammo Galore (Erika Watson) (1142)
No. 5
- Afghan Hound
NZ Ch Farrah Hello my name is human (Tracy Locke) (401)
No. 6
- Beagle
Aust Sup & NZ Ch Karakush Happy Little Vegemite (AI) (Imp AUST) (Karla Magnus & Leigh Gibson) (309)
No. 7
- Basset Fauve de Bretagne
NZ Ch Bayparque Cruncheroo (Jill Brooker) (245)
No. 8
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
NZ Ch Weissenberg Versace Eros (Bettina Morris) (232)
No. 9
- Whippet
NZ Ch Benbridge Amazing Grace (AI) (Fiona Morrow) (180)
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
NZ Ch Weissenberg Parisian Sunset (Kathy White) (141)
No. 13
- Whippet
NZ Ch Arcon Blue Suit N Tie (Coral/ Gavin & Anita Henderson) (118)
No. 14
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
NZ Ch PuririKnoll Rebel Yell at Moonridge (Alli McArthur) (112)
No. 15
No. 16
No. 17
- Whippet
NZ Ch Taejaan Pure Heroine at Arcon (Imp AUST) (Anita Henderson) (67)
No. 18
- Afghan Hound
Aust Ch Karakush on the road again (Imp AUST) (T Locke & L Gibson) (65)
No. 19
- Irish Wolfhound
NZ Ch Fleetwood Lucca at Culmore (D J & C D Wylie / J Benjamin) (62)
No. 20
- Basset Hound
Bayparque Choc Bar (Jill Brooker) (62) - Whippet
NZ Ch Bindura Rockefeller (Tui Cherry) (62)
No. 21
- Basset Hound
Bayparque Kookies N Kreme (Jill Brooker) (50)
No. 22
- Whippet
NZ Ch Benbridge Here Comes The Sun (AI) (Hank Faifua & Tony Fox) (46)
No. 23
- Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
Tilly of Pentaki (Martin Hewitt) (31)
No. 24
No. 25
No. 26
- Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
NZ Ch Stevie Wunda of Pentaki (Martin Hewitt) (29)
No. 27
- Afghan Hound
Leap of faith at farrah (Tracy Locke) (28)
No. 28