Bulldog Pointscore 2018
This page shows the breed tally board for each island.
View National Tally
Show Dog of the Year Island Leaderboard 2018
The All Breeds leaderboard is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.
North Island
No. 1
- NZ Ch Izabull myironman (Nth Is) (Beverly Ann Dudeck) (134)
No. 2
- Mattbridge Chasing Dreams (Nth Is) (Amanda Rutherford) (80)
No. 3
- NZ Ch Bentkins Warlock (Nth Is) (J Benfell) (74)
South Island
No. 1
- NZ Ch Wakelinbulls Code Of Silence At Bullestate (Sth Is) (Peter Janssen) (385)
No. 2
- Toarus Yer So Bad (Sth Is) (Mrs Tania Toa) (64)
Best of Breed Island Leaderboard 2018
The Best of Breed competition recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Best and R/Up Best of Breed wins received at any Championship Show throughout New Zealand. Only shows held in the dog's competition island are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.
North Island
No. 1
- NZ Ch Izabull myironman (Nth Is) (Beverly Ann Dudeck) (435)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Canute Acheron (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (295)
No. 3
- Santeria Eye Candy For Trimbull (Nth Is) (Trimbull Kennels) (147)
No. 4
- Izabull king Louis (Nth Is) (Beverly Dudeck) (98)
No. 5
- Ngawhetu The Game (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (96)
No. 6
- Bullyk First Lady (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (73)
No. 7
- Izabull Mecedes Air Ride (Nth Is) (Beverly Dudeck) (48)
No. 8
- Corcols Jackknife Johnny (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (42)
No. 9
- Mattbridge Chasing Dreams (Nth Is) (Amanda Rutherford) (41)
No. 10
- NZ Ch Doukraan Send Me A Dream (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley & Trica van der Pauw Kraan) (31)
No. 11
- NZ Ch Bentkins Warlock (Nth Is) (J Benfell) (27)
No. 12
- Corcols Billion Dollar Baby (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (19)
No. 13
- Corcols Welcom To My Nitemare (Nth Is) (Mr Noel Hirovanaa & Ms Michelle Corley) (11)
No. 14
- Cowen Of Tallahassie (Nth Is) (Mrs Suzanne Mccullough) (8)
No. 15
- Doukraan Having A Ball (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley/ Trica van der Pauw Krann) (7)
No. 16
- Corcols Rose's On White Lace (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (6)
South Island
No. 1
- Toarus Yer So Bad (Sth Is) (Mrs Tania Toa) (116)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Wakelinbulls Code Of Silence At Bullestate (Sth Is) (Peter Janssen) (80)
No. 3
- Toarus Runnin Down A Dream (Sth Is) (Mrs Tania Toa) (51)
No. 4
- NZ Ch Toarus Purple Rain (Sth Is) (Ivy Toa & Tania Toa) (33)
No. 5
- Bullestate frankies gang at shiann (Sth Is) (Sharyn Robertson) (17)
No. 6
- NZ Ch Phatheadz Miss Un Stop A Bull (Sth Is) (Mike & Krissie Dellow) (12)
No. 7
- NZ Ch Phatheadz Miss Un Break A Bull (Sth Is) (Michael & Krissie Dellow) (11)
No. 8
- Bullestate knight ranger at shiann (Sth Is) (Sharyn Robertson) (8)
No. 9
- Phatheadz Full Of Spark (Sth Is) (Mike & Krissie Dellow) (7)
No. 10
- MyRedBrits Chevy Sonic (Sth Is) (Koren Sullivan) (5)
Rising Star Island Leaderboard 2018
The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 24 months of age). Only shows held in the dog's competition state are eligible for inclusion in the Island tallyboard.
North Island
No. 1
- NZ Ch Izabull myironman (Nth Is) (Beverly Ann Dudeck) (240)
No. 2
- Ngawhetu The Game (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (140)
No. 3
- Izabull king Louis (Nth Is) (Beverly Dudeck) (115)
No. 4
- Bullyk First Lady (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (95)
No. 5
- Corcols Jackknife Johnny (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (90)
No. 6
- Trimbull I'm From The Past (Nth Is) (Trimbull Kennels) (80)
No. 7
- Canute Lumiya (Nth Is) (T Hubbard & T Uerata) (60)
No. 8
- Trimbull I'm For The Present (Nth Is) (TRIMBULL Kennels) (25)
No. 9
- Cowen Of Tallahassie (Nth Is) (Mrs Suzanne Mccullough) (20)
- Santeria Eye Candy For Trimbull (Nth Is) (Trimbull Kennels) (20)
No. 10
- Corcols Rose's On White Lace (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (15)
- Izabull Mecedes Air Ride (Nth Is) (Beverly Dudeck) (15)
No. 11
- Canute Leia (Nth Is) (Maria Raivaru) (10)
No. 12
- Corcols Billion Dollar Baby (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley) (10)
- Doukraan Having A Ball (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley/ Trica van der Pauw Krann) (10)
- Corcols Welcom To My Nitemare (Nth Is) (Mr Noel Hirovanaa & Ms Michelle Corley) (10)
No. 13
- NZ Ch Doukraan Send Me A Dream (Nth Is) (Michelle Corley & Trica van der Pauw Kraan) (5)
- Chase Of Tallahassie (Nth Is) (Mrs Suzanne McCullough) (5)
South Island
No. 1
- Bullestate frankies gang at shiann (Sth Is) (Sharyn Robertson) (170)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Toarus Purple Rain (Sth Is) (Ivy Toa & Tania Toa) (115)
No. 3
- Toarus Yer So Bad (Sth Is) (Mrs Tania Toa) (86)
No. 4
- Bullestate knight ranger at shiann (Sth Is) (Sharyn Robertson) (70)
No. 5
- Toarus Runnin Down A Dream (Sth Is) (Mrs Tania Toa) (65)
No. 6
- Phatheadz Full Of Spark (Sth Is) (Mike & Krissie Dellow) (40)
No. 7
- MyRedBrits Chevy Sonic (Sth Is) (Koren Sullivan) (15)
No. 8
- Phatheadz Miss Un Catch A Bull (Sth Is) (Mike & Krissie Dellow) (5)