Siberian Husky Pointscore 2014
This page shows the national breed tally board.
View Island Tally
Show Dog of the Year National Leaderboard 2014
The All Breeds leaderboard recognises dogs of this breed who do well at the National level when competing against other breeds. It is based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only.
All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.

NZ Gr Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge
(M Quinn)
No. 1
- NZ Gr Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge (M Quinn) (1722)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Winter Melody Hormiga Atomica (Imp POL) (Rebecca Stewart) (729)
No. 3
- NZ Ch Alyeshka Pump Up The Volume (Alyeshka Kennels) (483)
No. 4
- NZ Ch Bannerbrite Badge of Honour for Snowolf (Imp AUST) (Giselle Fletcher) (244)
No. 5
- NZ Ch Snowolf DaVinci's Dream (Giselle Fletcher) (227)
No. 6
- NZ Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy (Giselle Fletcher) (200)
No. 7
- NZ Ch Articpride Fast and Furious (Imp AUST) (Rebecca Stewart) (117)
No. 8
- NZ Ch Snowolf Golden Insignia (L Eksteen & R Scheepers) (87)
No. 9
- NZ Ch Alyeshka Angels Strike Bak (Miss M Quinn) (72)
No. 10
- Melandar Heaven's Halo (Nardine Theodore) (67)
Best of Breed National Leaderboard 2014
The Best of Breed Competition recognises consistent performers at the breed level. Points are based on Best and R/Up Best of Breed wins received at any Championship Show throughout New Zealand. All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.

NZ Ch Bannerbrite Badge of Honour for Snowolf (Imp AUST)
(Giselle Fletcher)
No. 1
- NZ Ch Bannerbrite Badge of Honour for Snowolf (Imp AUST) (Giselle Fletcher) (195)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Snowolf DaVinci's Dream (Giselle Fletcher) (180)
No. 3
- NZ Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy (Giselle Fletcher) (139)
No. 4
- NZ Ch Snowolf Golden Insignia (L Eksteen & R Scheepers) (131)
No. 5
- NZ Gr Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge (M Quinn) (123)
No. 6
- Melandar Heaven's Halo (Nardine Theodore) (101)
No. 7
- NZ Ch Winter Melody Hormiga Atomica (Imp POL) (Rebecca Stewart) (70)
No. 8
- Adreenz Sweet Victory (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (46)
No. 9
- NZ Ch Alyeshka Angels Strike Bak (Miss M Quinn) (36)
No. 10
- Snowolf Secret Santa (L Eksteen & R Scheepers) (26)
No. 11
- NZ Ch Snowolf Designer Label (Liesl Eksteen & Giselle Fletcher) (20)
No. 12
- NZ Ch Articpride Fast and Furious (Imp AUST) (Rebecca Stewart) (15)
No. 13
- Snowolf Santa's Secret Helper (Giselle Fletcher) (14)
No. 14
- Adreenz Starlight Silver (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (14)
No. 15
- Snowolf Dream Catcher (Giselle Fletcher) (13)
No. 16
- NZ Ch Alyeshka Pump Up The Volume (Alyeshka Kennels) (11)
No. 17
No. 18
- Adreenz Silver Strike (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (7)
No. 19
- NZ Ch Melandar National Dream SDCH (Lisa Cavanagh & Nardine Theodore) (6)
No. 20
- NZ Ch Subahka Chasin the Dream SDCH (Deane & Heather Wald / N Theodore) (5)
- NZ Ch Tiji's All American Girl (Imp USA) (M Quinn / R Bank) (5)
No. 21
- Subahka Aurora Hues of Jade (S O'Hara / D & H Wald) (4)
Rising Star National Leaderboard 2014
The Rising Star leaderboard recognises the up and coming youngsters in the breed (up to 24 months of age). All shows (regardless of location) are eligible for inclusion in the National tallyboard.

NZ Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy
(Giselle Fletcher)
No. 1
- NZ Ch Snowolf Hot 'n Spicy (Giselle Fletcher) (490)
No. 2
- NZ Ch Snowolf Golden Insignia (L Eksteen & R Scheepers) (235)
No. 3
- Melandar Heaven's Halo (Nardine Theodore) (160)
No. 4
- Adreenz Sweet Victory (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (145)
No. 5
- Subahka Aurora Hues of Jade (S O'Hara / D & H Wald) (135)
No. 6
- Snowolf Dream Catcher (Giselle Fletcher) (85)
No. 7
- Snowolf Secret Santa (L Eksteen & R Scheepers) (85)
No. 8
- Adreenz Silver Strike (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (75)
No. 9
- Snowolf Santa's Secret Helper (Giselle Fletcher) (60)
No. 10
- Adreenz Classic Wild Rose (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (35)
No. 11
- Adreenz Starlight Silver (Mrs Gayleen Speeden) (20)