Rising Star of the Year 2011
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - South Island
The Rising Star of the Year 2011 showcases the up and coming youngsters on the show scene (up to 24 months of age).

LEADER - Utility Group - South Island
Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge
(M Quinn / S Halliday & T Pitt)
Top 50 Leaderboard - Utility Group - South Island
No. 1
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Alyeshka Devils Edge (M Quinn / S Halliday & T Pitt) (405)
No. 2
- Rottweiler
Straumburg Haans Iron Lion (M & K Bell) (345)
No. 3
- Schnauzer (Miniature)
Lynden's I'll Be Back (Denise Breen) (335)
No. 4
No. 5
- Akita
Kodo My Revolution (AI) (Margaret Hippolite) (240)
No. 6
- Boxer
Boxton Oh Me Oh My (Gail O'keefe & Blair Culling) (215)
No. 7
No. 8
- Siberian Husky
Melandar Simply Deevyne (Rebecca Stewart & Shona Prebble) (185)
No. 9
No. 10
- Schnauzer (Miniature)
Lyndens Let M Attm (Denise Breen) (160)
No. 11
No. 12
- Schnauzer (Miniature)
Trustin Wouldja Look At Me (Rowena Stanton) (150) - Samoyed
Lealsam Logans Allure (Andrew & Denise Reeve) (150)
No. 13
No. 14
- Siberian Husky
NZ Ch Melandar Red by Design at Rothkeal (Bettina Morris / Gavin & Shona Prebble) (140)
No. 15
- Bullmastiff
Willowbend Applause N Grace with Akylah (Jessica Cunningham & Rachel Thompson) (135)
No. 16
- Rottweiler
Straumburg Black Caviar At Marqee (M & K Bell / C & R Anderson) (130)
No. 17
- Schnauzer (Miniature)
Trustin Born and Bred (Rowena Stanton) (115)
No. 18
No. 19
- Schnauzer (Giant)
Giant Guard A Russian Rose (M Lane & K Box) (100)
No. 20
- Bullmastiff
Kugel Dark Lord Luther (Kathy Brown) (85)
No. 21
- Bullmastiff
Ghostgum Guard of The Night (Anna Winter) (80)
No. 22
No. 23
- Rottweiler
Belzand Little Fire at Jenica (C Parris / K Bell / R Anderson) (65)
No. 24
No. 25
- Mastiff
Hessenfield Believe N Dreams (Norma Shelley) (35) - Siberian Husky
Articpride Fast and Furious (Rebecca Stewart) (35)
No. 26
- Rottweiler
Belzand The New Action Hero (M Bell & C Anderson) (30)
No. 27
- Samoyed
Skrownek Taan Veyzakova (Kristin Townsend) (25) - Schnauzer (Miniature)
Sprynge Grand Odyssey At Trustin (Imp AUST) (Rowena Stanton) (25) - Schnauzer (Miniature)
Sprynge Emilia Fleur (Imp AUST) (Rowena Stanton) (25)
No. 28
- Neapolitan Mastiff
Guardiano Athena (Guardiano Mastini) (20)
No. 29
- Neapolitan Mastiff
Guardiano Notorio (Suzanne Campbell) (15) - Boxer
Fortress One Heart Angel (N & C Jones / A Harrington) (15)
No. 30