Cambridge Kennel Association (North Is, NZ)
Date of Show : 7-Apr-24 (Sunday)
Championship Show
The following show results have been submitted to our results system for the above show. It is FREE to submit results.
General Specials
Specials Judge: Mr Kevin Young (South Africa)
NZ Gr Ch Devine N’All Th’Riot Places by Rossdhu (Nicole Harrison)
Baby in Show: Rottweiler
Kejova Falkorr At Amajah (Sharlene Storey)
Puppy in Show: Rhodesian Ridgeback
NZ Ch Jahari Gotta Love Her Sass (Kasari)
Open in Show: White Swiss Shepherd Dog
CIB NZ Ch Iron Will Von King's Silbertal (Imp Ger) (Nathalie Sperling)
Best Neuter in Show & Neuter in Show: Samoyed
NZ Ch Neut Ch Kalisa This Lil Light Of Mine (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
Runner Up Neuter in Show: Schipperke
NZ Ch Neut Ch Sanlyn In My Dreams (S Mckandry)
Group 1 - Toys
Specials Judge : Mrs Diane Riley (New Zealand)
NZ Ch Aust Sup Ch Am Gr Ch That's Set to Stun (Imp USA) (D Clark / G Neave / D & D Scheiris / P Lucas)
Baby in Group: Miniature Pinscher
NZ Ch Tauriel's King Of The North (Nadine Brandt)
New Zealand Bred in Group: Bichon Frise
NZ Sup Ch Shandau High Resolution (Mrs D Brown)
Bichon Frise
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Shandau High Resolution (Mrs D Brown)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: China Ch A Luo Ha Duke (Anne Batiste)
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Puppy of Breed: Blacktarr Night Of The Celts (Kerre Parker)
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: AM Ch & NZ Ch Pasticciotto-PC Di San Gimignano (Imp Italy) (Y Tester)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Aust Sup Ch Am Gr Ch That's Set to Stun (Imp USA) (D Clark / G Neave / D & D Scheiris / P Lucas)
Japanese Chin
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: Aust Ch NZ Ch Kiseki Hoshi (Imp Aust) (B Murdoch)
Baby of Breed: Old Rowley Playing With Stars (B Murdoch)
Miniature Pinscher
BOB, Dog CC & Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Tauriel's King Of The North (Nadine Brandt)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Baby (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Tauriel Sparkle W' Merriment (E Hyde)
Group 2 - Terriers
Specials Judge : Mr Kevin Young (South Africa)
NZ Ch Lidaby Unravelin The Mystery (Lisa Martel)
Puppy in Group: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Lidaby The Gambler (Lisa Martel)
Open in Group: Jack Russell Terrier
NZ Ch Llessur Jackie O (J Knighton)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Border Terrier
NZ Ch Neut Gr Ch Otterpond Beretta (Gloria Geraghty)
Border Terrier
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Otterpond Shotgun Sally (Gloria Geraghty)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Neut Gr Ch Otterpond Beretta (Gloria Geraghty)
Bull Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Bulltanica Oak (A Whiteman & P Webster)
Bull Terrier (Miniature)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Boromir Luminary Wytch from Vortex (L Gilmer, H Holland & L Flegg)
Cairn Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Oakway Dream It Possible (Lenore Halliwell)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Oakway Dream a Dream (Charleen Ewing & Lenore Halliwell)
Fox Terrier (Wire)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Rio D''Ottava Roll Out The Red Carpet (Imp Ita) (Jude Campbell & Debbie Harvey)
Puppy of Breed: Evahill GoGo Girl (Jude Campbell)
Jack Russell Terrier
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Lynmar Just Picture it (Linda C Strongman)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: Zoendy A Singing Enchantress (Linda C Strongman)
Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Llessur Apollo (Joanne Knighton)
Open of Breed: NZ Ch Llessur Jackie O (J Knighton)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Lidaby Unravelin The Mystery (Lisa Martel)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Helsinge The Rebel Switch (M Berkers)
Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Blackshot Gone Walkabout (imp Aust) (AI) (J Croft/S Smid & S Hughes)
Puppy of Breed: Lidaby The Gambler (Lisa Martel)
Group 3 - Gundogs
Specials Judge : Mr Alan Hunt (NSW)
NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Cederman)
Runner Up in Group: Golden Retriever
NZ Ch Goldridge Game-of-Thrones at CelticGold (T Sheehy & G Sheehy)
Puppy in Group: Golden Retriever
Goldridge Game Of Hearts at Celticgold (T Sheehy/G Sheehy & K Dain)
Junior in Group: Hungarian Vizsla
NZ Ch Topgun Kiss And Tell (A Borchardt)
Intermediate in Group: Cocker Spaniel
NZ Ch Lynmaken Tucker Under Th' Moon (B Gibbons & H M Stride)
Runner Up Neuter in Group: Welsh Springer Spaniel
NZ Neut Ch Brynmor Master Montague (Sharon Gibbons & Trevor Francis)
Cocker Spaniel
Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Avila Oriental Express (A Taylor)
Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Lynmaken Tucker Under Th' Moon (B Gibbons & H M Stride)
Puppy of Breed: Janan Perfect Vixen (Carolyn Hogg)
German Shorthaired Pointer
BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Heiderst Be Puzzled at Arosa (Imp Aust) (Michele Reichmuth & Peter Hay)
Golden Retriever
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Goldridge Game-of-Thrones at CelticGold (T Sheehy & G Sheehy)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Goldridge Gilmore Girl (K Dain / T Sheehy & G Sheehy)
Puppy of Breed: Goldridge Game Of Hearts at Celticgold (T Sheehy/G Sheehy & K Dain)
Junior of Breed: Goldendream Bon Voyage at Celticgold (T Sheehy & G Sheehy)
Gordon Setter
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ SPR & CIB Ch Settmore Stormy Night At Azzaro (Imp Aust) (Kim Atkinson)
Hungarian Vizsla
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Topgun Kiss And Tell (A Borchardt)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open (Bitch) of Breed: CIB NZ Ch Barat True Heart QC NA P2 (A Borchardt)
New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Topgun Kiss-Kiss Bang-Bang (A Borchardt)
Irish Setter
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Spr Ch Lanascol Was This The Answer (Carolyn Cederman)
Baby of Breed: Lanascol Listen To The Music (Carolyn Cederman)
Labrador Retriever
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Moonlyte Dare To Dream (Rhonda Ward)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: Blackboy Crakkling Rosie at Charing (Imp Aust) (Andrew and Anne Phipps)
Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Charing Henrietta (Andrew and Anne Phipps)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Greyflyte Drama Queen (Jo Clough)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Carnmellis Diamond Raider At Whimsical (Julie Jorey)
Baby of Breed: Waldwieze Girl Gone Wild at Weizwaze (Julie Rumsey)
Weimaraner (Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Waldwiese A Different Drum (LH) (Imp AUST) (J Rumsey/ L & C Richter)
Welsh Springer Spaniel
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Afonderi Red Hot Romeo (N McBurney & J McBurney)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Brynmor Levi Rocks (Kelly Te Reo)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Afonderi Come Dance With Me (N McBurney & J McBurney)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Neut Ch Brynmor Master Montague (Sharon Gibbons & Trevor Francis)
R/UP Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch & Neut Ch Afonderi All the Way May (N McBurney & J McBurney)
Wirehaired Slovakian Pointer
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Grausturm Catcha Wisp At Jaycee (AI) (Imp Aust) (Jo Clough)
Group 4 - Hounds
Specials Judge : Miss Rosemary Green (QLD)
Sarangrave Wen Stars Collide (Amorine Ward)
Puppy in Group: Rhodesian Ridgeback
NZ Ch Jahari Gotta Love Her Sass (Kasari)
Intermediate in Group: Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
Aust Ch NZ Ch Bekkri Rockin With Style (Imp Aust) (C Carter)
Afghan Hound
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Black Velvet At Farrah (Tracy Locke)
Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Keep The Faith at Farrah (Jo Clough & Regan Sharp)
BOB & Baby of Breed: Sarangrave Wen Stars Collide (Amorine Ward)
Open of Breed: NZ Ch Sarangrave Pedal To The Metal (Amorine Ward)
Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch LaEchelon Kurtius Kaleb At Troika (P Payne / D Scragg)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch LaEchelon NZED Marble Affect (P Payne / D Scragg)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Treppenwitz Who’s My Papa (L Bray / S Gilbert & A Bray)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Malachi Penelope Pitstop (L Bray)
Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: Aust Ch NZ Ch Bekkri Rockin With Style (Imp Aust) (C Carter)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Kendax Lady Godiva (Pamela Kennedy)
Rhodesian Ridgeback
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Jahari Gotta Love Her Sass (Kasari)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy (Dog) of Breed: Koruridge Tiger Lotus (Elizabeth Coles & Tivon Coles)
Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Usakose Do What You Do Do Well At (Imp Aust) (Y M Burroughs)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Arjuna Nelli Ph'ant (Libby Clarke)
Baby of Breed: Rushndol Sugar N Spice at Arjuna (Libby Clarke)
Puppy of Breed: Arcon Taste Of Diamonds (Anita Henderson)
Group 5 - Working Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Tony Wu (Taiwan)
NZ Ch Ukulunga So What (B Falconer)
Runner Up in Group: Bearded Collie
CIB NZ Sup Ch Lyntree Cosmic Hallelujah (Penny & Murray Brooks)
Baby in Group: White Swiss Shepherd Dog
Saffioraire Gives You Hell with Eishund (AI) (Imp Aust) (Nathalie Sperling)
Puppy in Group: Swedish Vallhund
NZ Ch Vallarity Elfin Oak (Lynne Henry)
Intermediate in Group: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
NZ Ch Carey Make Me A Phantasy (Maureen Manning)
Open in Group: White Swiss Shepherd Dog
CIB NZ Ch Iron Will Von King's Silbertal (Imp Ger) (Nathalie Sperling)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Shetland Sheepdog
NZ Ch Neut Ch Beaucourt Wildest Dreams (Cheryl Aalen)
Australian Shepherd
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Ukulunga So What (B Falconer)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Am GrCh Ukulunga's Born In The Usa At Sublime (Imp USA) (B Falconer)
Bearded Collie
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: CIB NZ Sup Ch Lyntree Cosmic Hallelujah (Penny & Murray Brooks)
Belgian Shepherd Dog - Tervueren
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Quivera Once In A Lifetime (Christie McKennie)
Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Belgenbeau aka reflection at Quivera (Imp AUST) (Christie Mckennie)
Border Collie
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Stonehaven Dragonfly in Ambr (Nadine Brandt)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Stonehaven's Lady Deeva (Nadine Brandt)
Baby of Breed: Stonehaven's Dark Crystal (Nadine Brandt)
Collie (Rough)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Collievale Vision N Charm (Claire Bish)
Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Pembrokehill Made You Look (Claire Bish)
Shetland Sheepdog
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: Beaucourt Blue Skyz Ahead (Cheryl Aalen)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: Beaucourt Sweet Dreams (Cheryl Aalen)
Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Beaucourt Firecracker (Cheryl Aalen)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Neut Ch Beaucourt Wildest Dreams (Cheryl Aalen)
Swedish Vallhund
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Vallarity Elfin Oak (Lynne Henry)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Osuno Battle Born (AI) (Andy Lawrie)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Vallarity Aira Force (Lynne Henry)
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Merthyr Wanda Say It Like It Is (M Manning / L Chalmers / K McIntyre)
R/UP BOB & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Carey Make Me A Phantasy (Maureen Manning)
White Swiss Shepherd Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: CIB NZ Ch Iron Will Von King's Silbertal (Imp Ger) (Nathalie Sperling)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Baby of Breed: Saffioraire Gives You Hell with Eishund (AI) (Imp Aust) (Nathalie Sperling)
Group 6 - Utility Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Tony Wu (Taiwan)
CIB NZ Spr Ch Summerford’s All Fired Up Kelef (Imp Can) (Sonia Nicholson)
Baby in Group: Rottweiler
Kejova Falkorr At Amajah (Sharlene Storey)
Puppy in Group: Samoyed
NZ Ch Kalisa Holding Out For A Hero (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
Junior in Group: Bullmastiff
NZ Ch Bodacious Gift From Kerberos (Tracey & Quentin Robinson)
Intermediate in Group: Leonberger
NZ Ch Schiehallion Burning Love (Ellie Davies)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Samoyed
NZ Ch Neut Ch Kalisa This Lil Light Of Mine (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
Bernese Mountain Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Branbern Dark Outlaw (Imp Aust) (Rochelle Sant)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Numoda Midnight Mayhem (Sharron Mischefski)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Bodacious Gift From Kerberos (Tracey & Quentin Robinson)
Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Numoda Line of Temptation (Sharron Mischefski)
Res Bitch CC: Bodacious American Dream (Tracey & Quentin Robinson)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Martyn Down The Rabbit Hole (Lisa Cassidy & Martyn Slade)
Puppy of Breed: Martyn Yabba Dabba Doozie (Lisa, Cassidy & Martyn Slade)
Italian Corso Dog
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Numoda Vultures and Thieves (S Mischefski)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Kiaraa Spunk Gang (Amanda Palmer)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Schiehallion Burning Love (Ellie Davies)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: CIB NZ Spr Ch Summerford’s All Fired Up Kelef (Imp Can) (Sonia Nicholson)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Spr Ch Ubersein Fair Dinkum (Imp Aust) (Ms Wiki Te Tau)
Baby of Breed: Kejova Falkorr At Amajah (Sharlene Storey)
Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Kelson Th Empire Strikes Back (E Clarke)
BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: NZ Ch Kalisa Holding Out For A Hero (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy (Bitch) of Breed: NZ Ch Kalisa Holding Onto The Light (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Neut Ch Kalisa This Lil Light Of Mine (E Clausen & J Kernohan)
R/UP Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter (Dog) of Breed: NZ Ch Kalisa Right From The Start (Judith Swetman)
Siberian Husky
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Snowolf Black Guardian SD (R Syverston)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: Snowolf Ice Warrior SD (L Simpson)
Puppy of Breed: Subahka Ragnar (Sophie Belcher, Deane & Heather Wald)
Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Snowolf Russian Fudge SD (Giselle Jeannes)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Bitch CC & Neuter of Breed: Spl Gr Ch Neut Gr Ch Snowolf Hot N Spicy (Giselle Jeannes)
R/UP Neuter BOB & Res Neuter Bitch CC: NZ Neut Ch Snowolf Flaming Martini SDX (L Simpson)
Group 7 - Non-Sporting Dogs
Specials Judge : Mr Kevin Young (South Africa)
NZ Gr Ch Devine N’All Th’Riot Places by Rossdhu (Nicole Harrison)
Runner Up in Group & Open in Group: Great Dane
NZ Sup Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers)
Best Neuter in Group & Neuter in Group: Schipperke
NZ Ch Neut Ch Sanlyn In My Dreams (S Mckandry)
Boston Terrier
BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Devine N’All Th’Riot Places by Rossdhu (Nicole Harrison)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Devine Guy Ina BowTie by Rossdhu (Nicole Harrison)
Res Bitch CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Devine Yeah Riot I Am At Martyn (Nicole Harrison, Martyn, Lisa and Cassidy Slade)
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch PJ of Ngakautoa (Chad Kerapa)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Polly Rocket Of Ngakautoa (Chad Kerapa)
Res Bitch CC: Ridgidbully Lady Josephina (B Davis & N Davis)
Chow Chow
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Tsarjolan Bright Star Gazer (Janet Jenkins-Piggott)
R/UP BOB, Res Dog CC & Puppy of Breed: Franghetti Trumping It (L Franghetti-Tupaea)
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Charizelle Blue Sky' Majic (G Jeannes)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Cristabo Street Hustler (Carla Peck/Suzanne McKandry/Steve Greer)
French Bulldog
BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Lechien First Edition at Frenwhip (Andrea Walden)
R/UP BOB, Bitch CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Ch Astre Ashes From The Stars (R & P Lowe / A & S Chrisstoffels)
Res Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Lechien This is the Way (Milly Brannigan)
Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Congistador Pepper Pig (R & P Lowe)
Junior (Bitch) of Breed: Lechien Izzn’t I Sweet (Sue Tahere)
German Spitz (Mittel)
BOB, Dog CC & Junior of Breed: Spitzrus Sir Giovanni A Gift (L Franghetti-Tupaea)
Great Dane
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Sup Ch Lapsewood Jack Sparrow (Gary Withers)
Res Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: NZ Ch Paragon Dix C Chick (Semonne Hogg)
Baby of Breed: NZ Ch Sivadanes Daisy My True Love (B Davis & N Davis)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: Neut Ch Lapsewood Jackson Pollock (N) (C Mckenzie)
Japanese Spitz
BOB, Dog CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Havenden Sugar Cube (Imp Aust) (Sue Howard)
R/UP BOB & Res Dog CC: NZ Ch Aust Ch Mondial Out of the Shadows (Sue Howard)
Bitch CC & Junior of Breed: Albra Love Her Madly (Bianka Mawkes)
Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Mondial Sweet Dream (Sue Howard)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Cheraton Double Trouble (Lonay Price)
Lhasa Apso
BOB, Dog CC & Intermediate of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Samye King Of The Jungle (D Gilchrist, A Ancell, D Bielby)
Poodle (Standard)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Tai Yuan Glamour Me (Ashleigh Rogers & Stacy Donaldson)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Gr Ch Tai Yuan Hungry Like The Wolf (Lori Prendergast & Nicole Harrison)
Res Dog CC & Open (Dog) of Breed: Am & NZ Ch Hightide MacGillivray Magnifico (Imp USA) (Janet Squire)
Poodle (Toy)
BOB, Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Lombaadi Victorian Magic (Jullia Earnshaw)
R/UP BOB, Dog CC & Puppy (Dog) of Breed: Lombaadi Moonlight Magic (Jullia Earnshaw)
BOB, Bitch CC & Open of Breed: NZ Ch Monterrez Game Changer (Imp AUST) (S G McKandry)
R/UP BOB, Res Bitch CC & Puppy of Breed: Sanlyn Get Outa My Dreams (Sandra Macklin)
Dog CC & New Zealand Bred of Breed: NZ Ch Sanlyn Seehowtheyrun (Sandra Macklin)
Baby of Breed: Sanlyn I'll Be Back Soon (Sandra Macklin)
Neuter BOB, Neuter Dog CC & Neuter of Breed: NZ Ch Neut Ch Sanlyn In My Dreams (S Mckandry)
Shih Tzu
Res Bitch CC & Open of Breed: Caraglen Come Together (L Twomey)