AustCH Lochburn Drama N Oz(NZ)

Maddi will join the FAIRENVY Team in 2015

Looking forward to campaigning this Spoiler daughter.

For further information contact:

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Angela Sime (Member Details)
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Pedigree for AustCH Lochburn Drama N Oz(NZ)
Sire : NZCH/AustSupCH Cathgarry Spill The Beans S: AustCH Kollylock Fully Charged S: AustCH Sunnyhurst Silk Touch(UK)
D: AustCH Kollylock So Xtra Gorjus
D: Cathgarry Cofeshoprumour S: Collingvale Black Coffee(UK)
D: Cathgarry Sofistikate
Dam : NZ/AustCH Fairenvy Shake N Rattle NZ S: AustCH Sanhedin Black Thunder S: NZ/AustCH Avonia Flying Solo(NZ)
D: AustCH Bluemorn Blaze O Glory
D: AustCH Bluemorn Toute Dans Bleu S: INTCH Tonnerre Des Beldones (France)
D: AustCH Bluemorn Blaze O Glory