RBISS NZ Ch Grahden Montse Una

Success For Una

Multiple Reserve Best In Specialty Show Winner & multiple Age In Show wins at Specialist Championship Hound Shows

Multiple Reserve of Group, Age of Group & Age In Show wins at All Breeds Championship Shows

Una is the first Norwegian Elkhound ever to qualify for the Pro Plan Supreme Puppy Contest 2012 and was a Finalist

Show Highlights Include

South Island Hound Club - Intermediate Hound of the Year 2013/2014

Best of Breed - NZKC Eukanuba National Dog Show 2012 & 2013

Baby Puppy In Show at The NZKC PRO PLAN SEVENS CHALLENGE - Wellington Hound Assn.

NZKC Eukanuba National Dog Show 2011 3rd Place Puppy Stakes (3-12 Months & 83 Entries)

A special thank you to Gemma Bishop for her superb handling of Una from early 2011 to November 2012.

Una is loved and cared for by Wayne (aka 'Fritz') & Rhonda van Rooden, show trained by Rhonda.

For further information contact:

Contact :
WP van Rooden (Member Details)
Email :
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Pedigree for RBISS NZ Ch Grahden Montse Una
Sire : Ch Grahden Monte Sawspur S: Ch Trenchard Trick or Treat S: Eng. Ch Anton av Eskamere (Norway)
D: Ch Tormod Ailsa
D: Ch Trenchard Jana of Venus S: Brave Heart of Tormod
D: NZ Ch Eskamere Hansine (Imp-UK)
Dam : NZ & Aust. Ch Graabine Xtra Special S: Aust. Ch Graabine Dream Catcher S: Grand Ch Lossehund Padraig
D: Ch Graabine Classy Devil
D: Graabine Toohot Thandle S: Grand Ch Graabine Padaarsen
D: Ch Graabine Classy Devil

Recent Results

  • 11-Aug-18 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed/Short listed for NZ Bred of Group

    Canterbury Kennel Association - Benefit [CH] (Judge was Shona Prebble (NZ))

  • 27-May-18 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Veteran of Breed/3rd Place Brace Stakes

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Mrs Vivien Phillips (UK))

  • 1-Apr-18 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    The Spitz Breed Club (Inc) [CH] (Judge was Keith Brown (NZ))

  • 19-Nov-17 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Joanne Buehler (USA))

  • 5-Jun-17 BitchCC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed/Reserve Best In Show

    Wellington Hound Association [CH] (Judge was Megan Markotany (NSW))

  • 29-Nov-14 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Otago Southland Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Maree McKenzie (NZ))

  • 29-Nov-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Southern Ladies Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Patrice Johansen (Qld))

  • 3-Aug-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Canterbury Kennel Assn - Benefit Show [CH] (Judge was Desne Harris (NZ))

  • 2-Aug-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed/Reserve of Group

    Canterbury Kennel Assn - Benefit Show [CH] (Judge was Martin Hewitt (NZ))

  • 25-May-14 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed/2nd Place Brace Stakes with Sire

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Mr N. Frost (USA))

  • 18-May-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc [CH] (Judge was Jodie Wilshier (QLD))

  • 17-May-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc - PM Show [CH] (Judge was Carolyn Cederman (NZ))

  • 17-May-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Marlborough Kennel Assn Inc - AM Show [CH] (Judge was Max Winch (QLD))

  • 11-May-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Doug Swift (NZ))

  • 10-May-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Denise Grace (NZ))

  • 23-Mar-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Selwyn District Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was Greg Browne (Aust))

  • 22-Mar-14 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/NZ Bred of Breed

    Selwyn District Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was June Ashton (Aust))

  • 8-Dec-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Inc [CH] (Judge was Mr W. Burton (NSW))

  • 7-Dec-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Reserve of Group/Intermediate of Group

    Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Inc(PM) [CH] (Judge was Mr C. Scott (NZ))

  • 7-Dec-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Inc(AM) [CH] (Judge was Mr G. Carleton (NZ))

  • 1-Dec-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Southern Ladies Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Denise Smith (QLD))

  • 30-Nov-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Southern Ladies Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was William Smith (QLD))

  • 30-Nov-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Otago Southland Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Maureen Boyd (NZ))

  • 17-Nov-13 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Short listed for Int. In Show

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Mrs B. Tophill (Vic))

  • 16-Nov-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Julie Ireland (Qld))

  • 15-Nov-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Joyce O'Connor (Ireland))

  • 27-Oct-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Short listed for Best of Group

    Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Mel Bungey (W.Aust))

  • 26-Oct-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Pamela Campbell (W.Aust))

  • 4-Oct-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    NZKC Eukanuba National Dog Show 2013 [CH] (Judge was Dr Zafra Sirik (Israel))

  • 4-Aug-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Jennifer Atkinson (NZ))

  • 26-May-13 Bitch CC/Res of Breed/Best Intermediate In Show/Winner Brace Stakes with Sire

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Mrs P. Ulloa (USA))

  • 12-May-13 Best of Breed/Reserve of Group/Intermediate of Group/Best Intermediate In Show

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Sylvia Crozier (NSW))

  • 11-May-13 Best of Breed/Reserve of Group/Intermediate of Group

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Rhys Dwyer (NZ))

  • 24-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Selwyn District Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was Rick Baker (Aust))

  • 23-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    Selwyn District Kennel Society [CH] (Judge was Janet Ainscow (Aust))

  • 10-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Short listed for Best of Group

    North Otago Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Ben Luxton (Sth Aus))

  • 9-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed/Intermediate of Group

    North Otago Kennel Association (Show 1) [CH] (Judge was Geraldine Gulbransen (NZ))

  • 9-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    North Otago Kennel Association (Show 2) [CH] (Judge was Clyde Rogers (NZ))

  • 3-Mar-13 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Canterbury Ladies Kennel Assn (Inc) [CH] (Judge was J Brownlie (NZ))

  • 2-Mar-13 Reserve Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Intermediate of Breed

    Canterbury Ladies Kennel Assn (Inc) [CH] (Judge was R Williams (Aust))

  • 9-Dec-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Inc [CH] (Judge was Mr R. Lowe (Tas))

  • 8-Dec-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Canterbury Junior Kennel Society Inc [CH] (Judge was Mrs V. Knopke (Qld))

  • 2-Dec-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Southern Ladies Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Jill R. McDonald (Vic))

  • 1-Dec-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed/Best Junior In Show/RESERVE BEST IN SHOW

    Otago/Southland Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Karen McIntyre (NZ))

  • 1-Dec-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Southern Ladies Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Jill Hocking (Vic))

  • 18-Nov-12 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Junior of Breed

    South Island Hound Club (Inc) [CH] (Judge was Mrs K. Coralluzzo (Vic))

  • 17-Nov-12 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Carolyn Ryan (Qld))

  • 16-Nov-12 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Rosemary Green (Qld))

  • 28-Oct-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    West Coast Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Bev Watt (Vic))

  • 27-Oct-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    West Coast Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Maree McKenzie (NZ))

  • 21-Oct-12 Reserve Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was Bob Beatie (WA))

  • 20-Oct-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Waimakariri Kennel Association [CH] (Judge was John Lewington (Sth Aus))

  • 6-Oct-12 NZ Bred Stakes - 8th Place (67 Entries)

    NZKC Eukanuba National Dog Show 2012 [CH] (Judge was John Perfect (NZ))

  • 4-Oct-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    NZKC Eukanuba National Dog Show 2012 [CH] (Judge was Ricardo F Saldana (Mexico))

  • 5-Aug-12 Bitch CC/Reserve of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Canterbury Kennel Association Inc [CH] (Judge was Paul Robinson (NZ))

  • 28-Jul-12 Best of Breed/Best Junior In Show/BEST IN SHOW

    Christchurch Branch Judges Assn [OP] (Judge was Rhys Dwyer)

  • 27-May-12 Reserve Bitch CC/Junior of Breed

    South Island Hound Club [CH] (Judge was Bob Rowbotham (Canada))

  • 13-May-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed/Junior of Group

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Glenys Alexander (Vic))

  • 12-May-12 Bitch CC/Best of Breed/Junior of Breed

    Ellesmere A&P Society [CH] (Judge was Gwen Johnston (NZ))