Barat Hell On A Harley

Sam is a loved family pet with extremely strong hunting lines behind him - with field champions from both teh USA and from Humgary.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Jenny Hawthorn (Member Details)
Phone :
027 4487-866
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Pedigree for Barat Hell On A Harley
Sire : NZ CH Hubertus Na Zdravi (Imp Aust) S: Hubterus Legacy in Gold S: Ch Pitswarren Judah of Hubertus (Imp UK)
D: Aust & NZ Ch Heart N Soul of Szep-Allat
D: Aust Ch Hubertus Pannonia Szepe S: FT & INT Ch & HUN GR Ch Luppa Vadasz Ficko (HUN)
D: Ch & FT Ch & HUN GR Ch Csokolandy Dorka of Hubertus (Inp Hun)
Dam : Ch Rafoej Copper Penny S: X-Mark of Szep-Allat S: NZ Ch Hubertus High Flyer QC (Imp Aust)
D: NZ Ch Sagasvari Ruby Rosely
D: Scarlett of Szep-Allat S: AM DC FC Behi Red Chief (USA)
D: NZ Ch Hubertus Claim to Fame (Imp Aust)