Ch Barat Immortal Spirit

Poppy is a joy with a huge love of life people and other dogs. But her BIGGEST love (apart from her family of course) is hunting!

We get her into the show ring far too rarely and keep meaning to remedy that ... still when a chance comes to go and find birds, bunnies or similar both she and me are inclined to take them.

Poppy gained her Ch title in grand style by winning Best Bitch, Best of Breed and Reserve (Runner Up Best) of Group at Cambridge in April 2011 just 3 short months after whelping and raising 11 gorgeous babies! She retired from showing after that with only one other show outing in 2011 but still managed No 1 Hungarian Vizsla All Breed Competition 2011.

Her beautiful babies are already impressing in pet, field and show!

For further information contact:

Contact :
Jenny Hawthorn (Member Details)
Phone :
027 4487-866
Email :
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Pedigree for Ch Barat Immortal Spirit
Sire : NZ Ch Hubertus Na Zdarvi S: Hubertus Legacy In Gold S: CH Pitswarren Judah Of Hubertus (IMP-UK)
D: AUST & NZ CH Heart N Soul Of Szep-allat
D: Aust CH Hubertus Pannonia Szepe S: FT & INT CH & HUNG GR CH Luppa Vadasz Ficko
D: CH&FT CH&HUNG GR CH Csokolandy Dorka Of Hubertus
Dam : Ch Barat Faery Fyglia Phoenix S: Ch Ursa Minor of Szep-allat S: CH Suave Joe of Szep-allat
D: Per-Chance of Szep-allat
D: Ch Tigar Lily of Szep-Allat QC S: NZ CH Hubertus High Flyer (IMP-AUST)
D: NZ CH Hubertus Claim To Fame (IMP-AUST)