Sire : CH Plantation Silver Sequel At Copperleaf |
S: Mandene Sleepy Hollow At Copperleaf (Imp Aust) |
S: AUST CH Dosslynne Man Of Colours |
D: AUST CH Turid Luna InThe Sky |
D: Plantation Fantasy Princess |
S: NZ CH Mandene Cymric Vargus At Copperleaf (Imp Aust) |
D: NZ CH Ihraqui Fantasy's Delight |
Dam : CH Copperleaf Lady Of The Night |
S: AUST GR CH Trehilyn Front And Finish |
S: AUST CH Kardibroke Finishing Line |
D: Trehilyn Divas Wear Diamonds |
D: NZ CH Mandene Diamonds And Pearls At Copperleaf (Imp Aust) |
S: AUST CH Dosslynne Man Of Colours |
D: Throdice Ready To Sparkle |