AmigoReal Over The Rainbow with MadraChi
As a result, Rain is a unique combination of Mystic Legion (George Apostolos Papadopoulos) and Neo Fabulous (Keumdong Han) bloodlines, coming together under the kennels of AmigoReal and MadraChi. We are excited to see what the future holds for this special boy.
Rain proudly carries the kennel name MadraChi, as a tribute to Junell Moss, the founder of MadraChi
Rain “Abundant Blessings From Above”
Rain continued to shine as a Best Baby Puppy in Group winner during his second weekend out, despite facing tough competition at 19 weeks old.
Impressively, Rain achieved the same feat for the third time during his third weekend out, winning Best Baby Puppy in Group at 22 weeks old.
As he bid farewell to his days as a baby, Rain secured one last Best Baby Puppy in Group win during his final weekend out at 23 weeks old, further solidifying his early success in the show ring.
Rain's impressive show record includes a total of 4 Best Baby Puppy in Group wins, with one of them leading to him achieving the prestigious title of Best Baby Puppy in Show. His exceptional performance at such a young age is a testament to his promising future in the show ring.
Next up, Puppy class…
As Rain moved up to the Puppy class, he wasted no time in making his mark. At just 6 months and 1 day old, he took his first Dog Challenge Certificate and Reserve Best of Breed.
Recently I decided to enter him into the FCI Show on April 10, 2023, with the hope of having him graded.
At the show, Rain was awarded “Very Good” and received praise for being a lovely dog. However, his lack of confidence on the table prevented him from achieving an "Excellent" rating. We are still working on building his confidence on the table, and I remain optimistic about his progress.
In late January 2024, Rain returned to the show ring after a six-month break, giving him time to mature. With no particular expectations, my goal was to foster positive show experiences for him, both with me as his handler and with others assisting in the lineup. Since his return, Rain has excelled, earning six CCs, five Best of Breeds, and one Reserve Best of Breed from the ten shows he’s attended. In March 2024, he officially achieved the title of New Zealand Champion.