NZCH Broc Aon Blaine Of Gartferry

Broc is a special puppy, as I nearly lost his Mum Keilah and her litter. He is called Broc, [Gaelic meaning for badger and is an animal that appears in Celtic mythology]. He is a lively, naughty, loveable pup who loves people and enjoys playing with Cole, his half brother. I appreciate everybody who has shown my dogs, while I await a hip replacement.

Very proud of Broc [Broc Aon Blaine of Gartferry] at the Southland Kennel Assn. Saturday 27/10/18 show under Doris Willis of Canada, and expertly handled by James Monson, he won BABY PUPPY OF GROUP, then BABY PUPPY IN SHOW. This win was even more special as the judge had bred and exhibited Cairns in Canada. Broc is thanking the judge. Sunday show under Brent Wright of Canada won he BABY PUPPY OF GROUP.

The official photo of Broc Anon Blaine of Gartferry wins at Nelson Ladies 13/14 April 2019. Broc won BOB, PUPPY OF GROUP and RESERVE OF GROUP under William Smith QLD, BOB and PUPPY OF GROUP under Diane Tyson NZ, and BOB and PUPPY OF GROUP under Denise Smith QLD. Very pleased with Broc, he certainly is a strong willed puppy.

Broc's first show after he turned 1 year old he became a Champion, he is a mischievous but loveable boy.

For further information contact:

Contact :
Patricia Brooker (Member Details)
Phone :
03 4761524
Email :
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Pedigree for NZCH Broc Aon Blaine Of Gartferry
Sire : Maclaurin Benson S: Grimms Foreign Piper of Jura S: NZ Ch Natuska A Foreign Policy [Imp-Aust]
D: Mercierose of Jura
D: Maclaurin Wilhelmina S: Cardross Monteith
D: Miss Millie of Maclaurin
Dam : NZ Ch Keilah Curadh of Gartferry S: NZ Ch Monterrez Limerick [Imp-Aust] S: SUP Ch Towsytyke Thisizit
D: Monterrez Ivy
D: NZ Ch Neilla Mioruilt of Gartferry S: Maclaurin Walnut
D: NzZ Ch Carlin Tulach of Gartferry

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