Member Profile

Name : Nicky Casey

Town : Carterton, NZ

Phone : 021387003

Email : Display Email

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Clubs : Wellington Canine Obedience Club Wairarapa Dog Training Club Wairarapa Kennel Association Dogs NZ

Breeder Listings

Prefix : ROSACASA (Lagotto Romagnolo)

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a small/medium curly coated gun dog originating from Italy. The breed can be traced back several hundred years and is the foundation dog to all water dogs such as Poodles, Portuguese Water Dogs, Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retrievers to name but a few.

The breed is not well known in NZ and is often mistaken as a spoodle (gasp).

Our dogs are raised on a beautiful life style block in the Wairarapa.

We adhere to Dogs New Zealand Breeders Code of Conduct. We have health tests performed on our breeding stock as recommended by the New Zealand Lagotto Romagnolo Club.

Because my passion is dog sports, breeding for temperament is of paramount importance to me. I am a trainer at my local dog club and compete in obedience and Rally O.

To aid in producing well rounded, confident pups we follow the Puppy Culture program.

*** Next litter due Aug 25 with rehoming from Oct 25 ***

Please visit our website ( for more info.

Next Litter Planned: August, 2025

Dog Profiles / Pedigrees