Member Profile

Name : Heidi & Deane Holland

Town : Waihi, NZ

Phone : 64 7 863 6827

Email : Display Email

Web :

Clubs : North Island Bull Terrier Club, Canterbury BTC, NZKC, Bull Terrier Club of America, Tauranga Kennel Association

Breeder Listings

Prefix : BOROMIR (Bull Terrier)

Established in 1986 and based on international lines, we continue to import as the need arises. To view pictures and pedigrees of home-breds and imports (past & present) visit the 'our dogs' page of our website.

To date over 50 Boromir Bull Terriers have achieved their NZ championship titles, plus a further 11 imported dogs. Between them they have won 60 best in shows and over 50 reserve best in shows under Bull Terrier Specialist judges. As a result of their specialty success, 23 of our home-bred Bull Terriers, 18 of our Miniatures and 5 of our imports have been awarded the 'Recognition of Merit' by the National Bull Terrier Council of Australia and more recently the NZ ROM.

We work closely with several other kennels including Vortex and Bulltanica here in NZ.

All stock is cleared of the known hereditary diseases before being bred from. Puppies and young adults sometimes available, please check out the dogs on our website and email for further information.

English Bull Terriers

Next Litter Planned: May, 2025

Prefix : BOROMIR (Bull Terrier (Miniature))

We had our first miniature litter in 2012 and have been involved in breeding and exhibiting Bull Terriers since 1986.

We imported our first miniature from Australia in 2011 and bred our first litters in 2012. Ch Syrah of Boromir ROM and Ch Boromir Dragon Wytch from Vortex ROM were our picks from each litter, and both quickly earned their ROM titles.

We have imported semen from what we consider to be some of the top dogs in Australia and America to blend with our foundation litters.

Our dogs are based on international lines and we continue to import as the need arises. To view pictures and pedigrees of home-breds and imports (past & present) visit the 'our dogs' page of our website.

To date 19 homebred Miniature Bull Terriers have achieved their NZ championship titles. Between them, they have won 7 best in shows and 6 reserve best in shows under Bull Terrier Specialist judges. They have to beat the Bull Terriers for this award.

We also have eighteen miniature Bull Terrier ROMs (Recognition of Merit)

All stock is cleared of known hereditary diseases before being bred. Puppies and young adults are sometimes available, please check out the dogs on our website and email for further information.

Next Litter Planned: Unknown

Dog Profiles / Pedigrees