Member Profile

Name : Wendy Brook

Town : Feilding, NZ

Phone : 0276549299

Email : Display Email

Clubs : Feilding Dog Training Club

Please follow Brookfields Kennels FB page to share our journey.

Breeder Listings

Prefix : BROOKFIELDS (Border Collie)

Update 5-3-2025
2 merle boys and 2 B n W girls still available.

MayBrook Starr Hope and Brookfields Blue Bear are excited to announce they have had 8 pups on the 15th Feb- 3 merle boys, 4 b n w girls and 1 tri girl.
Inquiries and visits welcome.
Health tests have been completed and yielded very good results. Both dogs are free of all the major collie diseases. Starr is a black tri and Bear a blue merle.
Starr is active, loving and friendly. Her pups would be at home in active households, lifestyle blocks and farms. Starr is strong eyed.

Located in the Manawatu, Nth Island NZ, visitors are welcome. Please contact me directly or see The Brookfields Kennels [Border Collie and Samoyeds] FB page for updates.
Waiting list deposits [recommended] are now being taken.
NB I will never 'ask for money' without a conversation with you first. Preferred contact: via phone call or text. 0276549299

Next Litter Planned: February, 2025

Prefix : BROOKFIELDS (Samoyed)

Misha and Boston will be having their next litter later this year. Please check the Brookfields Kennels FB page for more information.

Next Litter Planned: September, 2025